Part 4 The Message

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Jonathan was doing his homework, but it was difficult to concentrate. He was still trying to wrap his head around the fact that he had a crush on another guy. There was no other word that he could find that would describe what he was feeling for Steve Harrington. He had been daydreaming about him all day. If only there was a way for him to get to talk to him again. He had an idea, but it was a risky one, very risky. But it was the best he had got. He could only hope that they were going to the movies tonight, when he was working.

The butterflies in Jonathan's stomach wouldn't stop, when he drove up to work that night. He just hoped that Steve would be there.

Steve, Tommy, Carol and also Nancy (it had been Tommy's idea to invite her) were buying popcorn. Steve kept glacing around. He has to be here, Steve told himself. And he was. He was standing there, in his uniform, looking really hot. Steve went up to him and smiled. When Steve gave Jonathan his ticket, Jonathan gently seperated Steve's fingers, and Steve just let him do it, he was too stunned. It was some kind of note, Steve thought, that Jonathan had giving him and Steve quickly grabbed it. They didn't exchange any words, and Steve just hoped that no one had noticed, his heart beating hard in his chest.

When Jonathan was driving home that night he couldn't stop thinking about how stupid he had been. Who were to say that Steve was interested in him? Still, he couldn't help but get excited by the thought.

The first thing Steve did when he got home after the movies, was that he locked the door to his room and sat on the bed. He opened the note.

"Call me" it said and there was a phone number. Steve couldn't help but get really excited. He couldn't believe this was happening. He thought he was going to burst from happiness. Should he call him now? Or should he wait? When should he call? He decided to wait until that Saturday evening. Then he could gather up the courage to call.

It was Saturday evening, and Jonathan was sitting in the living room, watching tv with Joyce. He didn't pay attention, cause he was thinking of Steve. Giving him the note had been a huge mistake. He was probably laughing at Jonathan right now with his stupid friends. Jonathan could cry from embarrasment. While lost in his own thoughts, Jonathan suddenly noticed that the phone rang.

"I'll get it" Joyce said, but Jonathan was already up. People rarely called the Byers. Jonathan had a feeling that it might be his crush. Please, let it be him, he thought with glee.

Jonathan picked up the phone and said: "Hi, it's Jonathan Byers"

"Hi, it's Steve Harrington. I just thought I would call."

"Yeah, that's cool!" Jonathan replied, trying not to sound too eager and excited, but failing miserably. He was so happy.

"So.. This is kind of weird, but I'd like to hang out with you. If you don't have anything else to do, maybe we could hang out tomorrow? I mean, I understand if you don't want to, but I'm not doing anything anyway."

"Yeah, sure. That would be cool! I could come by your place sometime tomorrow?"

"Yeah, well, that's not so good. My dad works at home and he needs it to be quiet. Maybe I could come by your place instead? Where do you live?"

Jonathan gave Steve the adress and they agreed on what time Steve would come. Luckily, Joyce would be working all day tomorrow and Jonathan's little brother, Will, would be at his friend's house. They would be all alone.

When Jonathan hung up, Joyce gave him a weird look.

"Who was that?" she asked.

"Just a friend. We're going to hang out here tomorrow. Is that cool?" Jonathan asked, nervous. He didn't mean for his mom to find out.

"Yeah, honey. Actually, that's wonderful. I'm so happy for you. What's her name?"

"His name is Steve" Jonathan said shyly, and went into his room. He couldn't bear face anymore questions. He just knew he wouldn't get any sleep that night, cause tomorrow, they would finally be together - alone. And that was what he had dreamed of.

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