Friday Comes Around

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"Come in!" Jonathan beamed, as Steve Harrington stood outside the door to his appartment. 

Steve stepped in; the place was somehow bigger and fancier than he had anticipated. 

"Sit down, make yourself feel at home, and I'll fetch you a beer or something." Jonathan said, gesturing for Steve to sit down on a grey sofa in the middle of the living room. 

There was a large, flat screen TV in front of him, and Steve suddenly wondered what kind of stuff Jon watched on there. He sat down. 

"A beer would be nice." 

"A beer for the gentleman coming right up!" Jonathan said, making Steve chuckle. 

Jonathan returned, carrying two cans of beer in his hands. He sat down beside Steve on the sofa, and Steve was achingly aware of his proximity. Steve took his beer, opened it and drank. 

Jon did the same, but after a short while, he placed a hand on Steve's thigh. 

"I'm glad you could come, Steve. I really like you." Jon said, blushing. He was a grown man, but Steve Harrington had that kind of affect on him. He made him blush and feel as giddy as a school girl. 

"I like you, too." Steve said, looking into Jon's mysterious, dark eyes. 

Steve leaned in, and the two men kissed as if no one else in the world existed but them. 

Jonathan started to moan, putting his hands in Steve's thick, dark hair. 

Steve began kissing Jon on the neck. 

"Shouldn't we take this to the bedroom?" he asked, and he didn't have to wait for an answer. 

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