Part 5 The Photoshoot

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Steve was very nervous. Today was the day when he would go to Jonathan's place. He hadn't told his parents that he were going, he didn't want them to know. He put on his nicest cologne and styled his hair. He hoped Jonathan would like it.

He drove up to Jonathan's house. It was not a big expensive house, like the one Steve's parents owned, but that just made Steve love it even more. He took a deep breath and then he knocked the door. Jonathan opened the door; he was wearing a grey jumper, and as usual his hair was messy and beautiful.

"Hi. Come in" Jonathan said.

Steve looked around the house.

"You have a nice house" he said.

"It's not my house, it's my mom's"

"But you live here" Steve said, smiling shyly.

Jonathan laughed and blushed, sending Steve a smile. God, this boy was driving Steve mad.

"Do you want something to drink?"

Jonathan got a coke for them both and then they went to Jonathan's room. Jonathan's heart was pounding so hard in his chest, he was afraid Steve would hear it. I can't believe we're in my room, he thought.

"Nice" Steve said.


"I mean your room. It's nice. A little messy"

That made Jonathan laugh. They sat down on the bed, Steve looking around. Finally, he looked at Jonathan.

"Have you worked at the movie theatre a long time?" Steve asked.

"Not so long, only a few months"

"Do you like it?"

"No, I don't really, we just need the money really."

"So, what do you like then?"

Jonathan blushed. Crazy thoughts went through his mind.

"Photography, for one thing."

"So you take photos. That's so cool. Can you show me?" Steve asked.

"Sure, I'd love to!"

Jonathan got some of the photos that he had taken in the forest.

The two guys sat really close, Steve's leg brushing Jonathan's, and that was all Jonathan could think about. That, and the smell of Steve's cologne.

"Man, these are really good. You're so talented!" Steve said.

"Thanks." Jonathan said.

" Could you maybe take a photo of me?" Steve asked.

"Yeah, sure"

Jonathan took his camera, and started to take pictures of Steve, doing funny faces. They both laughed.

"Hey, maybe you should stand up" Jonathan suggested.

Steve got up and started posing in front of the wall. After Jonathan had taken some pictures, he lowered the camera.

"Is something wrong? Do I look that bad" Steve asked.

"No, no. It's not that. Actually, you look great. Maybe you could take your shirt off?" Jonathan asked.

The air in the room felt electric. Steve didn't say anything, just pulled off his shirt. He was absolutely gorgeous. Jonathan suddenly felt ugly compared to Steve, he didn't have nearly as many muscles.

"Is this better?" Steve almost whispered. It felt wrong, but oh so good at the same time.

Jonathan nodded and started to take photos.

"Now it's your turn" Steve said.

"What?" Jonathan asked, but knowing exactly what Steve meant.

Steve came to the bad and sat next to Jonathan, looking him directly in the eyes.

"Take off your shirt. Please. I want to see you too. So bad"

Jonathan didn't react. He was too stunned. When he didn't say anything, Steve gently placed a hand on his chest, touching his shirt, as if to say, come on, be a man. Not taking his eyes off of Steve's for a second, Jonathan slowly pulled off his shirt too, Steve helping him.

"You look so beautiful" Steve whispered.

"So do you" Jonathan said.

"Do you mind if I kiss you?" Steve asked.

Jonathan said nothing, he just closed his eyes. Steve leaned in and tenderly placed a kiss on his lips. Jonathan didn't respond right away, but soon his lips parted and he started kissing Steve back. The kisses got bolder and harder and Jonathan let his tongue slip into Steve's mouth. Damn, this felt so right. Steve's hands were in Jonathan's hair, and Jonathan was moaning a little, which only made it feel that more right for Steve. After they had pulled away from each other, they laughed, and Jonathan pulled Steve down on the bed with him. They started cuddling each other, just feeling each other's body heat, holding each other close. Steve looked into Jonathan's beautiful, brown eyes and carressed his hair, gracing a finger down his cheek bones, and placing a kiss on his neck. This made Jonathan moan again and Steve laughed.

"You're so fucking cute. I'm so glad I came here today." Steve said.

"So am I" Jonathan said and kissed Steve again. He could kiss those lips all day.

They must have fallen asleep and slept for a couple of hours, cause at some point Jonathan woke up to the sound of a car. His mom. Shit, he thought.

"Steve. Wake up. My mom is here" Jonathan said.

The boys quickly put on their shirts, just in time to hear the voice of Joyce Byers calling: "Jonathan? Are you home honey"

A knock came at the door and Joyce opened the door. She looked stunned to see his son with another boy, sitting on the bed, sheets all messy, but she only said: "Oh sorry, I didn't know you had a friend over. I'm Joyce!"

"I'm Steve"

"It's okay, mom, he was just helping me with some homework, he was just about to leave, right, Steve?"

"Right. See you later!"

Jonathan was grateful that his mom didn't say anything about Steve. She didn't ask any questions. In the evening, Jonathan told his mom goodnight early and went to his room.  He just lay on his bed, the lights off, just thinking. What had just happened? It felt so surreal.  Never in his wildest dreams could he have imagined that kissing another guy felt so good and so right, but kissing Steve had felt like the best thing in the whole world. It was like a whole new world had opened up for him. The thoughts that went through his head were new to him. Scary even, just a little, but it felt good. He fell asleep that night, in his clothes, and dreamed about Steve Harrington.

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