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"I'll see what I can do." Chief Jim Hopper had said earlier that day, when Jonathan and Steve, both upset and flustered, had explained what had been going on that afternoon in the woods. The bullies, Billy, Tommy and Carole, had all bolted before the chief had managed to get a hold of them.
"I don't like that new kid. I could tell he was trouble from the moment I saw him. You two do well to stay away from him." Jim had said.
"Yes, sir." Both Jonathan and Steve had replied. Hanging out and making friends with Billy was about the last thing any of them wanted right now.
Jonathan had told Hopper that Billy had snatched a photo of him and Steve sitting together in the woods, and that Billy and Timmy had threatened to show the picture to the whole school and spread a rumor around.
"They want to tell everyone that we're together, but it's not like that." Steve had said; Jonathan, despite of himself, had felt the tears burn and sting his eyes in that moment; he had been surprised to find how much hearing Steve, the man he loved more than anything, say those words aloud, as if they were nothing - as if they were true.

Jonathan was lying on his bed, listening to David Bowie on his headphones.
A loud knock came at the door.
"What?" he cried, annoyed that anyone dared disturb him right now.
"Can I come in, honey?" Joyce's voice soft and caring voice sounded from outside his bedroom door, and he knew he couldn't say no.
"Sure." he replied.
The door opened and joyce stepped in.
"How're you feeling, Jonathan?" She asked him softly, her motherly affection and concern creeping into her voice.
"I'm all right." Jonathan said, shrugging his shoulders.
It's not like that. It's not like that.
The words echoed through his mind, and not even the sound of David Bowie's ingenious voice could drown out the sound of Steve's betrayal.
"No. You're not. You're not okay, Jonathan." Joyce sat down on the bed.
Jonathan took off his headphones and looked up at his mom. She was always so worried; usually he thought it was annoying, but today he felt grateful for her concern, truly, utterly grateful - at least what we have is real, even if it's totally different, he thought miserably.
"The whole school is going to think I'm gay. Just so you know." He finally said, regretting he words as soon as they had left his lips. Oh, screw it. Screw it all. What did he care?
"What?" Joyce said, touching her son's hand.
"Steve and I. They think we're together. We... We went on a picnic today... in the woods. And these kids from school showed up and they took a picture of him and me together. They say they're going to show it to the whole school. Now you know. It's better you hear it from me first."
"Oh, Jonathan." Joyce said, hugging him tightly.
Tears welled up in Jonathan's eyes, but he refused to let them spill.
"And are you? Together?" Joyce asked carefully, still hugging her son.
"It's not..." Jonathan hesitated. It's not like that. Steve's words spun through his mind yet again.
"Yeah. We're together." He confessed, and he already felt as if a great stone had been lifted from his heart. 

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