We're outta here

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Steve Harrington had always known that his father was a douchebag of the highest order, and so his reaction when the rumours of his son's relationship with a boy called Jonathan Byers started circulating the small town of Hawkins, Steve wasn't a bit surprised. 

"What do you want me to tell my co-workers, huh? When they start asking questions, because you know, Steve, they will! Look at this mess you've gotten us into!" his father roared one night, when he had first heard about the rumors of his son being intimate with another guy. 

"Do you think I care?" Steve said bravely, tears stinging and burning his eyes; he felt so hurt - so damn hurt - he felt lost, more lost than he'd ever felt before. And all because people couldn't accept his for what he was. 

"Are you queer?" his father asked, lowering his voice. The calmness and the steadyness of it caught Steve off guard - if he didn't know any better, he could have sworn there was also a tiny dash of concern in it. 

"What if I am?" Steve said, crossing his arms across his chest. 

"Then we have nothing more to talk about." his father said, leaving his son's room, smashing the door shut violently behind him. 

"Yeah. You're right. We've got nothing to talk about." Steve whispered, as he at last let the tears fall, throwing himself hopelessly onto the bed. 

"Don't mind them, honey. They don't know any better. You have to understand that. There's nothing wrong with you." Joyce said, gently caressing her son's hair, as he lay in his bed, his face burried in the pillow. 

"Why can't they just accept me for who I am? I just don't get what's so wrong with that..." Jonathan muttered softly. 

"Hey, honey, listen to me. There's NOTHING wrong with you. Absolutely nothing. I love you no matter what, and I for one believe that people should be free to love whomever they want, regardless of their gender." Joyce said. 

"You really think so?" Jonathan's chest swelled with pride; he'd always had plently of respect and admiration for his mother, but this changed everything; in that moment, he couldn't have been more proud to be her son. 

"Of course. If you love Steve, then that's great! I'm sorry that everyone in this damn town are so prejudiced, but hear me out, honey - there will come a better time, mark my words."

"Really?" Jonathan sat up in bed, looking directly into his mother's wide, dark doe eyes. 

"Yes. I really believe so. History have a way of working itself out, you know. We just have to be patient and give it time. I wish you all the best, you know. I just wish for you to be yourself and be happy with who you are..."

"But..." Jonathan began. 

"I know, honey. I know." Joyce whispered, hugging her son tightly; he didn't have to say any more - it was always so easy with Joyce; that night, he felt so utterly grateful to have a mother like her. Someone so supportive, so openminded, caring, loving, smart and kind.

"Thank you, mom." he said, meaning it more than ever. 

"We're outta here, Steve. Your mom and I have bought a new house, son. You better start packing your bags. And don't worry about school. Wintry Falls have a very respectable high school. I dare say it's much better than than shithole you're used to." Mr. Harrington's voice sounded as if it were coming from under water. Steve had a hard time processing the words and their implications. 
"Jonathan." Steve whispered, when his father had left his room. There had been a rare pad on the shoulder, a strange display of affection, and the thought of it made him shudder. There was only one thing he wanted right now, one thing he needed, more than anything - to be with Jonathan. 

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