A Safe Haven

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Steve waited anxiously for his father to leave for work. At last the hour arrived when his dad shut the front door behind him and started the car - Steve was alone. Finally!

Steve still wasn't feeling too well, so he lay down on his bed, resting. As soon as his head hit the pillow, his thoughts immediately flew towards Jonathan, the boy who had stolen his heart for good. I wonder what he's doing now? he thought.

Steve couldn't wait for Jonathan to arrive. He could already imagine taking him in his arms, running his hands across his strong arms; when he closed his eyes he could almost feel Jonathan lips on his skin, could almost taste them. His daydream made him smile, and he just lay there on his bed, smiling and daydreaming for hours, until finally a knock came on the front door.


Jonathan hadn't been able to concentrate at all that day. He had spent the entirety of his history class, just staring out the window, imagining the gorgerous figure of Steve Harrington. It was still hard to believe that any of this was real. Jonathan had never in his wildest dreams imagined that someone like Steve Harrington would ever give him a second glance, yet alone be into him! It was just too crazy, too unreal - except it WAS real. Wasn't it? For a brief moment, Jonathan entertained the thought that Steve might only be playing with his emotions. What if his feelings for me aren't real? What if he's just pretending?

Jonathan tried hard to push those silly thoughts away. He had always had trouble with his self esteem and self worth, and so he told himself that it was just his mind that was playing him a trick.

At last, the school bells had rung, and he could finally get out of that place. His heart was beating rapidly, as he ran across the school parking lot. He quickly got into his car, took a deep breath, pinched his arm briefly (a silly habit, but just to make sure..) and started the car engine, driving off to see the man of his dreams.


"Hi!" Steve said awkwardly, as he opened the font door.
Jonathan looked more handsome and fit than ever.
"Hey! Can I come in?"
Steve let Jonathan in, and as soon as he had closed the door behind them, the two boys threw themselves at each other in a passionate embrace.
"Damn it, I've missed you!." Jonathan whispered in Steve's ear. The feel of his lips briefly brushing across Steve's earlobe cause him to shiver.
"I've missed you, too." Steve confessed, his voice quivering.
"Gosh, Steve, you're trembling! And you're hot!" Jonathan said, placing a hand on his lover's forehead.
"It's okay." Steve muttered.
"We'd better get you into bed." Jonathan said and winked.
Steve lead the way upstairs, into his own bedroom. His bedroom was quite large compared to Jonathan's, and Jonathan quickly noticed that his bed was much bigger, too.
On the walls of Steve's room there were no posters of obscure, underground punk rock bands or indie horror flicks. The walls were bare and were painted a dark blue color. Jonathan decided he liked it.
"So, this is my room." Steve just said.
"You should lay down in bed handsome. I'll get you some tea." Jonathan chuckled, leading Steve towards the double bed.
Steve hadn't bothered making his bed, which made Jonathan feel instantly at home.
"Wait, I'll show you.." Steve protested, as Jonathan gently pushed him down on the bed.
"It's alright, babe. I got this. You can just rest. I got it trust me." Jonathan placed a finger on Steve's lips and smiled. It was a smile that could cure any kind of illness, except lovesickness - in fact, it made Steve feel more lovesick than ever.

Jonathan returned after a short while, carrying a tray with two cups of steaming hot tea on top.
"Look what I found." He said, giving Steve a flirtatious smile, as he said down on the bed.
"How..." Steve began, but once again, Jonathan shushed him.
"You don't have to worry about anything baby." He said softly, putting the tray on the bedside table.
He slowly ran a hand through Steve's thick, dark hair.
"Thanks, Jon."
Jonathan lay himself down beside Steve, tenderly tracing his fingers across the other boy's cheek.
"Your skin is so soft." He said, chuckling.
"Thanks.. I guess." Steve said, as he gently grabbed Jonathan's hand, bringing it to his lips, covering it with kisses.
"Are you feeling better?" Jonathan asked, partly teasing, partly concerned.
"I still have a massive headache." Steve admitted, as he continued kissing Jonathan's hand.
"Aw, poor you! Let's see if we can't do anything about that." Jonathan said ,smirking, as he bent down, kissing Steve's lips.
"I feel better already." Steve muttered softly between kisses.
The kisses got harder and stronger, Jonathan running his hands down across Steve's strong back.
"I'm glad." Jonathan whispered, teasingly placing his tongue on Steve's earlobe.

When Steve and Jonathan woke up hours later, the tea had gotten cold and the sun was setting outside.
"Shit!" Steve cried, sitting up in bed.
"What?" Jonathan asked groggily.
"My dad." Steve replied, getting out of bed.
Steve quickly grabbed his pants and his shirt, got dressed and threw a look at himself in the mirror.
"I don't think he's home yet, but you better get dressed, too." Steve told Jonathan.
"I've never seen your hair that messy." Jonathan said after he had gotten dressed.
"Same goes to you." Steve laughed, placing a sweet kiss on Jonathan's cheek.
"Look, I had a great time." Jonathan said, looking into Steve's warm, dark eyes.
"Me too. Thanks for coming over. But  look... my dad could be here any minute now, so perhaps it's better if you..."
"Don't worry, babe. My mom is probably starting to worry. You know how she is. I better get home now." Jonathan assured his lover, as the two lovesick boys shared one last lingering kiss.
"I'll call you." Steve said.
"Not if I call you first." Jonathan teased, as he got up, leaving Steve's room.
Steve couldn't believed what had just happened, but he certainly didn't regret it. Never in his wildest dream would he ever regret having made the acquaintance of the boy called Jonathan Byers.

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