Part 2 I don't have a crush

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Steve Harrington was getting ready to go out with his friends that night to see a movie. He put on one of his nicest white shirt, one that saw tight on his body and kinda showed off his muscles, and even though he tried not to think about why he did it, he knew the answer, it was because of Jonathan Byers, he knew he would be there and he wanted to impress him. God, I'm so stupid, Steve thought to himself, I don't even know if he's into boys.

On the way to the movie theather, Steve couldn't get the thought of Jonathan out of his head. He had always known that he wasn't into girls, but he keep saying to himself that this wasn't some crush, hell, they had even just met each other. But there was something about Jonathan that drove Steve wild.

Steve met up with Tommy and Carol and they went inside, chatting about the stupid teachers. Steve wasn't really into it, his thoughts were elsewhere. After they had gotten their popcorn, Steve saw him. Jonathan.

Jonathan tensed when he saw him. He knew he would be here tonight, but he wasn't ready to see him. Oh god, he looked hot. Jonathan didn't know what had gotten into him,  he had never been thinking something like that about another guy before, but there was no other word for it. He was just happy that no one, most of all Steve, were not able to hear his thoughts.

He had on this white shirt that sat tight to his body, with shorter sleeves just showing enough of them biceps. And his hair.. Jonathan couldn't stop looking at that dark, wavy hair. Oh shit, he's going to come up to me, Jonathan thought. And he did.

"Hey!" Steve smiled at him, that adorable smile. Jonathan could have sworn he looked a little shy, but he was probably just imaging things. He tried to keep it cool, but it was hard when Steve was so close to him and oh God, he smelled so good, Jonathan just wanted to lean closer, but of course, he didn't.

"Hey. Enjoy your movie" Jonathan said and gave Steve and shy smile. After they had gone, Jonathan could finally breathe again.

When Jonathan got home, he threw himself on the bed. His thoughts were spinning. I don't have a crush on him, he said to himself, but the more he said it, the more it sounded like a lie.

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