How To Make a Boy Crazy

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Jonathan came down with the flu the next day. He had woken up at four AM at night with a stuffy nose and a sore throat. He didn't know if his illness was what had woken him up in the middle of the night, or whether it was the dream... Dreams. He had had plenty of those lately. Dreams about bodies out of control, of stolen kisses and delirious, feverish words of passion whispered in the darkness. All these dreams were caused by one thing, and one thing only, Jonathan knew that: his unbearable longing and passion for the boy they called Steve 'the King' Harrington.
I want him to be MY king, Jonathan thought one night, as he was tossing and turning in bed - and if he's the king, then I'll be his prince.
The thought made Jonathan feel a little silly, but it also brought a giant smile to his face. He had never before known what it felt like to be in love, but he was pretty sure he knew what it felt like now - to long for someone that badly, not being able to stop thinking about them even for three seconds - to forget about thirst and sleep and hunger (well, he thought, laughing to himself -I guess you could say this was like a different kind of hunger); he was feeling so utterly lost in his passion for the man he loved, that being ill with the flu didn't even seem to bother him the least... except... he wanted to see Steve again - he NEEDED to see him again. Soon. Jonathan had always thought of himself as being just a tad crazy, well, people at school at told him so countless of times; but this... THIS was another kind of crazy altogether. THIS  was the kind of crazy that made you feel good, really good. The kind of crazy that made you feel alive.
"Steve, you sure know how to make a boy crazy." Jonathan muttered as he drifted off to sleep, dreaming of things that were too wonderful, too incredible, to be spoken out loud.

Jonathan woke up the next morning feeling much better. No - incredible in fact. He woke up with a gigantic smile on his face, and although he couldn't remember the dream he had just had in complete detail, he knew it had had something to do with Steve and his glorious lips.
A knock suddenly came at the door.
"Come in!" Jonathan muttered.
The door opened and his mother stepped into the room.
"Goodmorning, honey. How're you feeling?" She asked.
"I'm feeling fine, mom. Just fine." Jonathan said, still smiling. He seemed to have forgotten how not to smile, which was something he'd never thought he'd ever experience in his life.
"You sure?"
"Yeah. How's Will?" Jonathan assured her.
"Oh, he's feeling better. Don't worry, honey."
"I won't."
Joyce went over to the bed and ruffled her oldest son's hair.
"Mom! I'm not five!" Jonathan said, laughing.
"Thank God!" Joyce said, smirking.
Sometimes his mother said things which didn't make any sense, and Jonathan was used to that by now, so he didn't give his mother's enigmatic comment another thought.

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