Part 3 The Party

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Wednesday morning, Steve was sitting in class, not being able to concentrate on the lesson. He was more than happy when the class ended.

"So, there's this party on Friday, and we're all going. Wanna come? I heard Nancy Wheeler is gonna be there and she's hot as fuck, I think she's into you, I saw her smiling at you at lunch" Tommy said.

Steve didn't know what to say. Sure, this Nancy looked pretty, but they didn't know him, they had no idea what he was into, hell, he didn't even know himself. All he knew was that he couldn't stop thinking about Jonathan Byers, and it drove him crazy. It was not like he could share it with anyone, cause no one would understand. No, it was better to just forget about him. Easier said than done.

The next days passed in a blur. Every day at lunch time, Steve carefully looked around for Jonathan, just to get a glance at this beautiful boy, and he could have sworn that they made eye contact, just for a second, every single time.

It was Friday night, and Steve was getting ready to go to the party with his friends. He couldn't help but think the thought: is Jonathan gonna be there? But he guessed that he wasn't a guy who liked parties. This made him almost sad. Pull yourself together, he told himself, forget about him.

The party was at a big house, no parents were home. The friends grabbed a beer and so did Steve, he just wanted to get drunk and forget about his problems. After a while, a girl with long brown hair came up to them.

"Steve, this is Nancy Wheeler. Nancy, this is my new friend Steve Harrington. He's gay"

Tommy said. Steve's stomach froze. How could he knew? What was he supposed to say? He'd never thought they would find out, not now.

Nancy laughed.

"I'm not gay" Steve said, shocked, but in denial. He was not ready to tell anyone, he had never told anyone in his life about his feelings for men, and he wasn't going to just now.

Tommy laughed and said: "Relax, Stevie boy. I was just joking"

Steve started to laugh too, but he couldn't shake that cold feeling in his body.

"Let's dance" Nancy said. Steve agreed.

They were dancing close, but Steve wasn't enjoying it, but he figured after what had just happened, it had to play along and pretend to be flirting with Nancy, even though he felt really bad about it. He wouldn't give this pretty girl false hopes. But what could he do? He also didn't want to get exposed. As the night wore on, the two kept dancing and talking, and suddenly their lips were on each other. Steve hated himself for not pulling away. This wasn't his first time kissing a girl, but he had found out a long time ago that he didn't feel anything by it.

When Steve went home, Nancy said: "I had a good time tonight"

"Me too" Steve lied, and this lie hurt more than anything he'd ever said.

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