The Picnic

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The blue shirt or the gray t-shirt? Jonathan wondered, as he stood in front of the bathroom mirror that morning. It was Sunday, and he had woken up early. His boyfriend (or, that is, Jonathan wasn't quite sure what they were exactly, since they hadn't made it official or anything yet, not even between themselves) Steve Harrington had invited him on a date; the two boys were going on a picnic in the woods. Jonathan had hesitant at first, even though he had found the idea to be incredibly sweet and romantic.
"Are you sure it's such a good idea? I mean, what if someone, you know... What if someone sees us there?" He had said to Steve on the phone the night before, when Steve had called him to invite him on the date.
"Don't worry, Jon. We'll find a spot where we can be alone. Come on, it'll be fun. I promise." Steve had said, and at last Jonathan was convinced and had agree to go on a picnic.
So here he was, contemplating one of life's biggest questions: what to wear on a date with the most handsome and lovely guy on the planet?

Jonathan fingered the buttons on his midnight blue shirt nervously, as he glanced in the direction of the tall, lanky figure strolling towards him on the narrow forest path. He took a deep breath and waved in the direction of the handsome young man approaching him.
"Hi hot stuff." Steve called teasingly, causing Jonathan to blush horribly.
Why does he always have to be such a gigantic, irresistible flirt? And why does his shirt always have to sit so tight onto his body? And why does is hair always look so perfect and soft?
Steve ran the rest of the way, flinging himself into his boyfriend's arms.
"God, I've missed you." He muttered in Jonathan's ear.
Jonathan wanted to never let go of Steve, to stand here in the quietness and the stillness of the woods, breathing in the scent of his boyfriend's cologne and hairshampoo.  More than this, he wanted to feel the warmth of Steve's skin on his body again. The thought made him blush even more than before, and Jonathan broke the hug first, looking into the other boy's warm, dark eyes.
"I've missed you, too." Jonathan admitted, touching Steve's perfect jawline with one hand,, while placing the other hand in his lush, dashing mane of thick, brown hair.
"I'm glad you could make it." Steve and, smiling.
He kissed Jonathan, and Jonathan felt as if he were about to soar from off the ground and fly away into heaven - nonsense,, he thought to himself happily - this IS heaven! 

Steve's kisses started to get bolder and braver and harder and sweeter and... 

"Wait... Steve..." Jonathan pulled away. 

Steve looked at Jon with a puzzled, almost hurt expression on his face. 
"Is something wrong?" he said quietly, looking into the other boy's dark, beautiful eyes. 

"No... It's just. What if someone sees us?" 

Understanding was written all over Steve's face. He hated the fact that his boyfriend had to worry about things like these. He hated the fact that the world had to be like this - it wasn't fair, he thought. You shouldn't be afraid to love the person you love, or to show that love. 

"There's no one around here, baby, I promise." Steve whispered softly, gently running a hand through Jonathan's tousled hair. 

"I know... but." 

"Look what I've got." Steve said, smiling, as he reached into the messenger bag that was slouched across his shoulder. He pulled something out; a blue blanket with black dots on it. 

Jonathan laughed. 

"Oh, there's more where that came from, honey." Steve said teasingly, pulling two paper bags out of his messenger bag as well. 

"Let me guess; sandwiches?" Jonathan said. 

"Of course. I hope you like them. I made them myself." Steve announced proudly.

"Of course you did." Jonathan said. 

The two boys walked hand in hand through the woods. It was quiet here. The only sound was that of their shoes thrudging on the winding dirt path, and a few birds chirping happily in the trees. It felt good to be alive, Jonathan thought, and he hoped Steve felt the same way, because, he thought, everybody deserves to feel like that once in a while. 

"Let's settle down here for a while." Steve finally said, when the boys had reached a little brook. The sound of the water running across the pebbles and stones was calming, soothing, relaxing. The sun was shining, and Jonathan squinted in the sunlight, as the two young lovers sat down by the brook, spreading the blanket on the lush grass. 

"I have some soda as well." Steve said, pulling out two cans of coke from his bag. 

"Thank you, sir." Jon said, leaning in and giving Steve a kiss. 

"Now, what was that for?" Steve said flirtatiously, a dirty glint in his dark eyes, and a naughty smirk on his lips.

"You're perfect, that's all." Jonathan said shyly, lacing Steve's fingers with his own. 

"I lov..." Steve began. 

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" a voice roared. 

Jonathan's heart sank in his chest and he felt his skin go numb with fear. Tommy H, Carol and the new kid, Billy or Jimmy or something like that, were standing right in front of them, evil smiles lighting up each of their stupid faces. 

"We were  just leaving..." Jonathan began, but Steve interrupted him. 

"This place is already taken. Come back another time." 

"What did you say, Harrington? Or should I say, Fagington?" the new guy said, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Good one, Billy." Carol said, laughing. 

"Look, just leave us alone, okay?" Jonathan pleaded. 

"It's okay, Jon. They were just about to leave," Steve said, his voice steady and grave, "weren't you, guys?" 

"In your dreams, Harrington!" Tommy H cried, as Billy pulled out something from the bag Carole was carrying across her shoulder; A camera. 

"No! Fuck off, you idiots!" Steve cried, but by then it was already too late; Billy had already snapped his shot. 

"Just wait till the whole school sees this! You two being all over one another. I always knew you were queer, Harrington. You too, Byers." Tommy chuckled. 

Steve's eyes were filled with rage, as he got up and cried: "Give that to me!" 
"Go to sleep, Harrington boy. You too, Byers. I just hope I can get the image of you two out of my head tonight before..." 

This was enough; Steve flung himself forward before Jonathan could stop him. He hit Billy in the face. 

"You're going to regret this, you..." 

"What's going on here? What's all this commotion?" a voice demanded. 

Never in his life had Jonathan Byers felt more thrilled to hear the hoarse, deep voice of Jim Hopper.

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