3. The Boarding House

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"Angeline," he carressed her beautiful curly light brown fudge colored hair. He whispered sweet things in her ear and she was sold. Her dark dress was ripped from the bottom. They were running in the garden him chasing her. Original could easily catch up with a human but he let her run ahead.

"Klaus," she whispered back and slipped away from his arms. She let out a giggle as he started to chase her again. He got her in his arms and looked at her suddenly very serious.

"Shouldn't we get back? My father is going to be furious!" she giggled and looked him straight in to his beautiful blueish eyes.

"He would be more furious if he knew what we have already done," Klaus answered back making Ava laugh.

"I could turn you in to a vampire," he said gently caressing her hair.

"No, I don't want to," she said and his loving face turned mad.

"Why? We could be together forever."

"Klaus I want to have more children and get married. Have a family," her eyes were full of hope but Klaus looked angry.

"If you would break the curse and finally be a hybrid..." she continued.

"I wouldn't still be human. And the last doppelgänger turned in to a vampire!" he whisper yelled. Ava took his face on her arms.

"At least let us have this moment, please Klaus," she cooed and closed her eyes. Klaus leaned in and Ava opened her eyes. Their lips touched and they kissed gently.

"Please stop!" a woman was standing behind them. Ava recognized her as Klaus' sister, Rebekah.

"Niklaus come inside now! Family meeting," she yelled and Klaus nodded.

"I will see you again my love," he said took Ava's hand and kissed it.



Ava woke up in the Salvatore mansion. She was in the guest room. Ava rose from the bed and quickly changed her clothes. She had a bag with her and clothes like Katherine. Where is Katherine? She thought to herself and noticed a note on a small table next to the bed.

Sorry for leaving you alone with the Salvatore brothers. Don't be too good friends with the doppelslut. I have some things to do.

xoxo Katherine

"Great," she snorted and walked out of the small guest room. She stopped and used her super vampire skills to hear if there were anyone in the house. Ava heard Elena.

"Stefan do you have something you want to tell me?" she asked sounding a bit mad. Ava smiled to herself. She walked to the so called living room. Ava had dark blue jeans on, dark purple top and a black leather jacket with black pumps.

"Stefan, Elena," she said and walked past them to the kitchen

"Ava what are you doing?" Stefan asked slightly amused.

"You don't happen to have any food?" she asked which surprised Elena.

"You eat normal food?" Elena asked.

"This might shock you but I never wanted to be a vampire. Sometimes I like to pretend that I'm just a normal girl, normal 200 year old girl," Ava said with a smile to Elena. The Katherine look a like seemed tensed as Ava looked at her. She could feel Elena's heart racing in fear. She smiled and walked over to her and sat down to the sofa.

"Katherine isn't here anymore Elena, you can relax. I don't have anything against you," Ava tried to convince but Elena looked suspicious. Elena nodded and Ava rose from the couch.

"Where are you going?" Stefan asked.

"To get drunk."


"Hello Damon," Ava sat next to him. They were at the Mystic Grill bar. Damon looked at Ava and chuckled.

"You look like Katherine," He said and smirked with a victorious look.

"I am nothing like my dear friend," Ava snorted. The bartender walked over to her.

"What can I get you?" He asked. The bartender had a dirty blond hair and baby blue eyes.

"Give me your wrist," Ava compelled him. He placed his hand next to Ava's mouth. She revealed her fangs and sunk her teeth in to the boys wrist. After she was done she compelled him again.

"Forget about this and give me a vodka. And patch yourself up. That looks bad."

Damon looked at Ava impressed.

"That was Matt, Elena's friend," he said with a crooked smile.

"Oh no! I have done something very terrible!" Ava pretended. She didn't care about Elena's friends.

"I'm not like your sweet Elena."

"My sweet Elena?" He asked and raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, you know, the girl who looks like Katherine. Your brothers girlfriend. The one you love..."

He didn't say anything and got back to his drink. He poured it down his throat and took a bottle behind the bars desk. Ava's light brown hair was wavy and she looked beautiful. Sometimes she looked so innocent.


"Yes Ava?" he answered pretending to be excited.

"I'm running away from someone," she confessed.

"Klaus?" Damon said and Ava nodded.

"How did you know?" she asked and moved closer to him.

"Some people aren't just so good keeping secrets," he said and smiled a crooked smile. Ava smiled with her teeth showing. Her dimples appeared on her cheeks.

"Stefan," she said and chuckled. The bartender came from the back and gave Ava her vodka. She took a drink from it and then turned to Damon.

"What else have you heard of me?" she asked seductively and moved closer to him.

"That you are too good for me," Damon chuckled and drank again.

"Damon don't touch her!" he said copying Stefan's voice.

"Oh please, I can take care of myself," Ava spat.

"I'm not a human, I'm not weak."

Damon laughed and poured more in his glass. Ava crossed her legs and smiled.

"Stefan really loves her doesn't he?" Ava asked and Damon nodded.

"She looks so boring," she added and Damon chuckled.

"She has just something in her..." he tried to defend Elena but Ava stopped him soon enough.

"She looks like Katherine. That is the reason you both adore her. I see the way you look at her Damon, and so does Stefan," she said to him and Damon drank again.

"Ava, there's something I need to tell you," he said and looked her in the eyes.

"Klaus might be back in town," he continued and Ava gasped and backed off a bit. She swallowed and it felt like someone was strangling her throat.

"Well I do have to face him some day," she swallowed the pain and flashed a smile.

"It's not like I have anything to lose."

Except the white oak stake, she thought to herself but didn't dare to say it to Damon.

The Lost One (The Vampire Diaries fanfiction) [will not continue]Where stories live. Discover now