24. Torturing

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"Hello Elena," Ava said. Elena's head was really messy. There was everything everywhere and her humanity off didn't really help anything. Damon walked next to Ava and Elena was laying in a bed. Ava was trying to get her feel something. Damon and her were making everyone she had ever loved to visit her, Jenna, Alaric, Jeremy, her mom, her dad.

"What should I feel?" she asked and turned her face to the two. She was completely emotionless, not any expression on her face she got up and waved her feet at the brink of the bed.

"This is your old room. No regrets of burning your house down?" Ava asked and Elena shook her head. She got out of her head and Damon followed her.


"We should change scenery," Ava said and Damon nodded.

"Just follow my lead," he said. They got back at it.


Elena was walking at the high school yard. She saw familiar faces everywhere, her old friends, new friends. Everything in that place was beautiful, even the annoying jocks.

"Elena you're here," she heard Caroline say with her perky and high voice.

"Hey I got valedictorian. You can help me write my speech," the blonde girl said to Elena.

"Pass," Elena said with an annoyed tone.

"Oh, come on. We're graduating this year. This is it. We're gonna have to soak up every second before," Caroline tried to cooe her.

"Wait. Something is not right. I don't want to be here," Elena said and stopped instantly.

"What is wrong with you?" Damon asked from the backround. He was sitting on a table and Ava was standing next to him with his hands crossed.

"Don't you want to be with your friends, graduation parties, caps, gowns? You know the drill," Damon continued.

"What is this?" she started and everyone around them disappeared. The school yard was empty, no one was there.

"We're not really here, are we? We're in my head," Elena started to figure it out. Ava stepped a few steps closer. Damon wiggled his eyebrows.

"Relax," Damon and Ava said almost at the same time.

"We just want to show you all the things you've been missing out on since you took the giant leap over the cuckoo's nest," Damon continued and Ava nodded and snorted quietly. Elena was glaring around her and trying to fight.

"Last thing I remember..." Elena started.

"Let me guess..." Damon said and started to move towards Elena.

"Prom," Ava continued and walked over to her aswell.

"Beautiful dress," Damon said.

"Gorgeous hair," Ava continued again.

"You trying to murder Bonnie. It's a good thing I was there to take care of you," Damon said with a cocky face which made Elena and Ava both snort.

"You starved me. You two and Stefan," she said with frowned eyebrows.

"Yeah well, we had to keep you weak so we could bring you here. See the way I figure it is, I can make you nostalogic, then you're already halfway to getting your humanity back," Damon said.

"This isn't gonna' work."

"There are other ways to provoke your emotions," Ava said with a wide smirk.

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