17. Work hard

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Ava knocked on to the Gilbert door early in the morning. She heard someone rush down the stairs and started to smile. The door opened.

"Ava? I thought that Damon was taking Jeremy?" Elena asked with a huge question mark.

"Yeah well Damon asked me to come so I did," Ava explained to her. Elena looked suspicious and yelled Jeremy. He stomped through the stairs and got to the door.

"Hey Ava!" he said loud and passed Elena. She tried to took his hand but he ignored her. Ava smiled to Jeremy and pointed to the car.

"Go ahead, I can grab some of your stuff."

She looked at Elena and walked inside. At the hall there were few bags and Ava took them. Elena stared at her for the whole time. Ava was leaving the house but before that she turned to Elena.

"I will take care of him," she said and walked to back to the car. She could hear Elena snort. She just shook her head and placed Jeremys luggage to the car. She walked to shotgun seat and noticed that Jeremy was sitting there. She frowned her eyebrows playfully and looked him angry. She went to the back seat were Matt was sitting.

"This is unfair. I am way way older than you," Ava said and punched Jeremy's seat.

"Deal with it," Jeremy said cocky. Ava gasped and chuckled at the same time.

"Cocky much? Even though you're a hunter that doesn't mean you can boss me around," she said and glared to Matt who seemed to be amused. She snorted and crossed her hands.

"You're adorable when you're angry," Damon commented and glared her through the mirror. Ava frowned her eyebrows playfully.

"I'm not! I'm dangerous when I'm angry," she said. "And don't you forget it."


Jeremy tried to hit Ava with a wooden stake. She laughed everytime he missed. Jeremy looked like he was pissed off. Then he hit Ava in the stomach. She coughed and pulled it out like it was nothing.

"Try harder," she said and dropped the stake. Jeremy snorted. Damon was talking on the phone with someone. He was standing on the pier. Ava sharpened her hearing so she could know who it was. Damon stopped the call before she heard anything. She saw Jeremy's fist coming towards her face and she duck fast and got behind Jeremy who was almost at the ground. She grabbed him by his short hair and pulled him up. She placed her hand on his throat.

"And that's how fast you get killed," she whispered and let him go. Matt walked out of the cabin and a car drove to the yard. Jeremy smirked and walked to Matt who was digging his wallet. Ava noticed the pizza sign on the car and she snorted.

"Seriously guys? This is like the third day in a row!" she almost yelled. "Why won't you eat something more healthy?"

Damon walked from the pier to them and frowned his eyebrows. The Delivery girl came out of the car with three pizzas on her hand.

"No more pizza," he said and walked to the delivery girl.

"This is the last time you bring pizza here, okay?" he compelled and the girl nodded. Jeremy and Matt both snorted. They took the pizza and handed the money to the girl.

"You," Damon said and pointed Jeremy. "Two laps around the lake, run. Then you get to eat your pizza."


"No buts Jeremy," he said strictly and Jeremy started to jogg against his will. Matt frowned his eyebrows.

"I train him too," he said with an offended voice.

"If we would do the things in your way he would be a hunter in a year!" Damon yelled. Ava glanced at him with a brooding look when Matt went inside. She walked to him.

"What?" he asked when Ava was opening her mouth.

"I just wanted to check up on you," she said and examined Damon's face.

"Elena called you?" she asked and he nodded slightly.

"She was worried about Jeremy, nothing more," Damon said and walked awway from her.

"Don't be like that," she said.

"Be like what Ava? Because this is who I am," he said and was facing her.

"Every time you feel something you run away from it," Ava said and straightened her back.

"Don't mistaken me for Stefan, because I am not like him. I am  a bad person," he said and looked her in the eyes. Ava placed her hand on his cheek.

"Don't mistaken me for Elena, because I'm not innocent, kind and I do everything in my power to get what I want because I promised to myself to fight every day for the rest of my life," she said and let him go. Damon stared at the ground and passed Ava. He walked away.  

---Writer's comment---

So a bit shorter chapter this time. Please inform me if you like it or not :) Thank you for reading!

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