8. Duty calls

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"I'm going to miss the dance!" Elena cried. She was walking recklessly around the house and bringing up problems that she didn't need to deal with, not now at least.

"Caroline is going to be so mad with me!" she shouted and collapsed on the floor.

"I was suppose to stay as a human!"

"Elena, hey," Ava stroked Elena's cheek and directed her look back in to Ava's eyes. 

"Everything is going to be alright," she said and smiled to her. 

"Stop Ava. Nothing is going to be same ever again!" Elena shouted to her and walked away from Ava.

"It's not going to be the same. It's going to be better. You hear me?" Ava said back to her. Elena shook her head. Stefan and Damon were sitting on the couch. They were in the Salvatore mansion.

"If you're a vampire embrace it! Everything is hightened. Every emotion, every touch. You smell, see, hear and taste better. Make being a vampire fun." 

"I don't want to kill people..." she whispered. She rubbed her neck and her hand was in front of her mouth. 

"You don't need to, just drink a little from them," Ava said and shrugged. 

"I wan't to feed on animals," Elena said and glanced at Stefan. "Will you help me?" 

Stefan nodded and smiled. He looked at Ava and Damon victoriouslyu. They snorted and came up against with their opinions. 

"Either you learn to control your bloodlust from the beginning or else-"

"You become a ripper," Damon finished Ava's sentence. Stefan snorted and crossed his hands.

"And you will be weak," Ava continued. Stefan snorted again.

"Oh please Stefan atleast Damon can fight me properly. I don't even need to try when I fight with you," Ava said and Elena looked confused. 

"We've had a few arguments in the 70s whether she kills someone or not," Stefan cleared and Ava looked Stefan with an evil eye. Ava speeded to Stefan threw him out of the couch and stepped on him with her high heel pressuring his chest.

"See this Elena? Weak," Ava said and stopped the pressure. Stefan could breath again and he got up without Ava's help.

"Oh come on, you're older than me," Stefan said hoarse. Ava smirked.

"Okay maybe I exaggerated, but still, she needs to feed on human blood." 

"Stop it, Ava..." Elena begged.

"It's the truth," she said and walked to the door. She grabbed her leather jacket and opened the door.

"Where are you going?" Stefan asked sounding worried.

"To drink," she said and smiled behind her shoulder.

"You are just going to leave us here?" Damon asked and frowned his eyebrows looking offended.

"You're smart boys, I'm sure you can figure this out. But for now Elena is coming with me," she said and walked to Elena grabbed her by the hand and used her fast speed to get out of the house without the boys coming after them. 

They got to the new bar which had just opened in Mystic Falls, it was more adult then the Mystic Grill, so Ava took Elena there. Ava walked Elena to the bar and sat her down on the stool. She ordered a tequila and stopped Elena from ordering anything.

"You're going to drink something else," Ava said and shushed Elena from speaking. 

"Just try, please," Ava cooed and Elena finally agreed. 

"Now pick one," she said and Elena looked startled. 

"Pick one, I like the dumb girls," Ava said and pointed in one's direction. Elena was shocked and she shook her head. 

"Fine, then I will," she glanced around her and noticed a brunette girl on her other side. She tapped her shoulder and the girl turned to her looking like a bitch.

"What?" the girl asked cocky.

"What's your name?" Ava asked from her.

"None of your business," the girl said and turned to Ava. 

"Why don't you go to the bathroom, you really need to go there," Ava used compulsion and the girl nodded. She walked away and went to the bathroom next to the door. Ava turned back to Elena, grabbed her hand and followed the girl to the bathroom. She opened the bathroom door and the girl was standing there. 

"Elena go to her and compel her not to scream," Ava commanded. She closed the door and locked it. Elena was careful at first and she walked slowly to the brunette who still looked like she needed someone to kick her ass.

"Please don't scream this isn't going to hurt," she said and the girl stared at her eyes wide open. 

"Good, now feed," Ava said and Elena did it. She took a hold of the girls neck and sunk her fangs in it. She pushed the girl on the wall and feeded. The door was locked but someone knocked on it.

"Someone is in here!" Ava yelled. Elena was starting to take too much blood and Ava took her away from the girl. Elena hissed at her and tried to attack.

"Stop, you've had enough," Ava said and she looked at the girl shocked. She wiped her mouth and then saw that the girl was fine. Her fangs went back and the grey veins disappeared. Her face looked normal again.

"Good. You took just the right amount of blood. Not too much, not too little." 

Ava took her black scarf out of her neck. She placed the scarf on the girl's neck. Elena had walked to the other side of the bathroom. She seemed to be little shocked from her action. 

"What a beautiful scarf! Don't take it off until the wound is healed. Forget this ever happened," she compelled her again and glanced at Elena.

"Are you alright?" she asked and Elena nodded.

"Better," she said and smiled. She moved closer to Ava and hugged her.

"Thank you!" she said and giggled. 

Ava let the girl out and in the same opening Damon came rushing in. He grabbed Ava by the neck and pushed her against the wall. 

"What did you do?" he said and strangled Ava harder.

"I taught her how to feed, you should be thanking me," Damon let her go and Ava chuckled. Stefan rushed through the bathroom door too and ran straight to Elena.

"Are you alright?" he said and stroked Elena's cheek. 

"I'm better than okay," she said and smiled. 

"See? She is better off with me," Ava said, "I need to talk to you," She whispered to Damon and left the bathroom. They walked back to the bar and Ava drank her tequila. 

"She has to have a watcher 24/7 she is a time bomb right now," she said to him. 

"That's Stefan duty, not my, not anymore," he said and left. 


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