20. Death knocks three times

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"Hello...?" Ava opened her eyes. She glared around herself but no one was to be sawn. She got up from the ground and noticed a corpse lay on her feet. She got startled and moved back. The corpse was familiar. She gasped.

"No, no," she whispered and looked around her. It was dark. She felt a cold touch on her shoulder. She turned around. A woman was staring at her. She had ancient looking white dress. A toga. The woman smiled to her and caressed her cheek. Ava didn't see her face because a scarf was covering it.

"Am I dead?" Ava asked with a broken and hoarse voice. The woman nodded.

"Who are you?" Ava asked and the woman shook her head.

"It is not the time," she said. Ava frowned her eyebrows. She moved her hair out of her way.

"Why?" Ava asked. The woman moved close to her and placed her lips on Ava's ear.

"Silas is coming."

Ava's body was staring to revive. She moved her hands to the stake. It was pressuring her chest. She coughed and pulled it out slowly. She opened her eyes and saw a dirty roof. She started raising from the floor with pain still pressuring her chest. She was on her four limbs. She saw Marcel sitting on a black chair.

"Why am I not dead?" she asked from Marcel. He got up from the chair and walked to her.

"I don't know. But I figured you won't die like a normal vampire," he said and kicked her in to the stomach. The kick turned her to her back. She coughed and her forehead vein popped up. She looked at Marcel and chuckled.

"Don't kick a man down," she said and held her stomach. Marcel crotched to her level.

"About the news you were going to tell me," he said and took a shot from his pocket. Ava realized what it was.

"Vervain," she swallowed and moved back. Marcel nodded and punctured it to Ava's neck. It burnt her and she screamed. The vervain started to paralyze her body but she fought it. She got up an hit Marcel's head to the floor. She started to stand. Marcel passed out and Ava took the shot out of her neck. She rolled him to his back. He coughed and opened his eyes.

"I've taken vervain shots every single morning the past 180 years. I've dealt with the Originals and we all know how they can compel normal vampires. But I guess I'm not a normal vampire anymore," She said and walked towards the door.

"This was a quick visit. I think Katherine is up to something. Why else would she be here? I have to change my plans," she yelled to Marcel who was still laying on the floor. "Bye now."


"Damon," Ava whispered in a broken voice. She crawled through the door and stumbled down to the small coffee table. She snickered.

"Elena!" she shouted. Nobody answered to her so she quit the act. She stopped the tripping and pretending to be drunk and to have feelings. That was the thing she didn't have. Ava walked to the living room and took a bottle of scotch from the table. She opened it and threw the cap away. She heard a poor swoosh and she smiled wickedly.

"Elena?" she whispered like she was afraid. Elena attacked her from the back and pinned her against the wall. She held Ava's hand in a twisted angle behind Ava's back. She whined and heard Elena chuckle.

"What do you want?" Elena asked and she was clearly enjoying the upper hand. She noticed Damon and Stefan were in the same room.

"You're strong," Ava said and she was shocked. She could feel Damon and Stefan tense up.

"But not as strong," she continued and kicked Elena out of her back. She fell to the ground and Ava grabbed her by her weak little neck. Elena was trying to claw Ava's hand off of her throat. She was fighting for a breath. And with a small wrist movement she snapped Elena's neck.

The Lost One (The Vampire Diaries fanfiction) [will not continue]Where stories live. Discover now