14. Back to college

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Damon was driving the car, Ava's car, and Ava was sleeping next to him. They had left early so they could catch the professor before his lecture. They had been driving twenty minutes now and Ava was still asleep. He was worried about her, she didn't know how to control her lust anymore and she was moody, like a new vampire. Ava's strength was a surprise for all; she was just like the Originals. She could compel vampires and she was strong, much more stronger than an average vampire. She could invade in to minds. Ava turned on the bench and she smiled with half opened eyes.

"Are we there yet?" she asked with a long stretch and a yawn. Damon chuckled but his eyes didn't leave the road.

"Yeah almost," he said and concentrated on the driving.

"So this professor Shane has helped Bonnie with her magic and he knows where the cure is?" Ava asked and Damon nodded.

"And apparently some Silas witch/vampire/hybrid-thingy could be risen from the dead when we are taking the cure," Damon said and rubbed his jaw.

"And we don't want that?" Ava asked. He shook his head.

"Nope," He said popping the 'p'. Ava chuckled and turned on the radio. It played some dancing music so she snorted.

"This music is crap," She turned it immediately off.

"It feels that it's warm outside, can you open the roof?" Ava asked and fingered Damon's hand that was resting on the gear stick. He glanced at her and wiggled his eyebrows. He pressed the button and the roof came off. Ava raised her hands and felt the air stream through her fingers. She breathed the fresh air and smiled. Her huge curls were all over the place. She smiled to Damon who watched her going.

"Don't you just love the heat?" she asked and Damon nodded. He tapped his hand on the wheel and slowed the car down.

"Sure I do. When we get this professor Crazy thing over with, we can enjoy the weather or the heat," he said and winked but then got on a serious face.

"You know Damon, you take so much responsibility for Elena's happiness that you don't notice that the way she is with Stefan, is the way she is going to be with Stefan only," she said.

"Let her go."

"I don't know what you're talking about," he said and rubbed his chin. His perfect face was full off stress.

"For who are you getting this cure for? Huh? I don't want it, I love being a vampire and I suppose you don't want it...or?" she said and made very clear that she didn't want the cure. Everything about being a vampire was amazing and now that she had become as strong as the originals, there was no way she wanted to be human again. Damon didn't answer, he drove in silence. Suddenly they parked.

"We are here," he said and got up from the car. Ava sprinted to him with her vampire speed. He was mad at Ava.

"You can't blame me for laying the facts on the table," she said and started to walk beside him. She got a few whistles from her side and she waved at the boys. She had her black shorts on they were high waisted and her purple top was on. She had her black leather jacket on also, when didn't she have it on?

"Hello boys," she said and walked past them. Damon rolled his eyes.

"Come on," he commented and Ava shrugged.

"I can't help it that I'm hot," she said and made Damon chuckle.

"I can't disagree on that," He said and placed his hand on her waist.

"Damon stop pretending you're not in love with Elena," Ava said.

"I'm not pretending," he tried to convince her. Ava snorted and just walked on. They went through the college yard and they got to professor Shane. He had a little office on the left wing of the place. It was full of weird stuff, different kind of stones, antique jewelry and furniture. Ava was studying everything and the professor was on his toes. When she touched a huge stone she had shivers creeping in her spine.

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