7. Deciding

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Ava was driving her car and was just passing the sign "You are now leaving Mystic Falls" as she hit the breaks making the whole car stop its movements. She leaned on to the drivers wheel and stayed there for a while. If she would now go back, would she regret it? Or would the regret grow if she now left? 

"Oh god why does this have to be so hard?" she cursed to herself. A car passed her and still she didn't move. It honked a few times, but Ava just glanced at the car. She had driven an hour to this point. She slammed her head a few times on the wheel and changed dircetion. She pressed gas and start driving back to Mystic Falls. She took the phone off her bag and selected Damon's phone number. 

"Damon I'm coming back," she said and smiled to herself. 

"We desiccated Klaus," he said on the phone. Ava gasped and didn't say anything. 

"He had Elena, and we meant to do it to Ric but we weren't able to do it. So Bonnie did her magic and now Klaus is in a coffin," he continued. 

"I'm going away with the coffin, taking it somewhere safe."

"Hide it good. If Alaric kills him I'm dead," she said and closed the phone. She threw it back on the seat. She hit the wheel. 


Ava ran through the woods and she heard Caroline and Stefan's voice. 

"She chose me," she heard Stefan whisper. She got there and they all looked shocked. She saw Elijah. He turned to her and looked sad.

"Ava, Klaus is dead," Stefan said and Ava collapsed on the moss. She shook her head. 

"No, no, no, no. It can't be Stefan. I'm going to die!" she broke down and cried. Elijah lifted her from the ground and hugged her.

"Angeline, I am so sorry," he looked her in to her eyes and she cried. 

"Elijah, I am going to die. I'm not ready to die!" she screamed and pushed him away. She ran through the woods and noticed voices comming from one of the cellars. She went there. She ran the steps down and saw Tyler and Caroline. Caroline hugged Tyler and cried. 

"What are you doing here?" she said between her sobs. 

"I'm dying Caroline," she whispered but Caroline didn't care. Tyler started to yell.

"Caroline get out of here!" he screamed and Caroline left. Ava was left there standing. 

"Why aren't I feeling anything?" Ava asked and Tyler rose from the floor. 

"Because Klaus isn't going to die," he said quietly.

"What?" Ava whisper yelled. She backed away. She was about to run but Tyler was already on her otherside.

"I can't let you do that," Tyler said and snapped her neck. 


"Hello love," Ava opened her eyes and saw Tyler above her smiling. She moved instantly back but realized that there was a wall behind her. Tyler had snapped Ava's neck everytime she woke up in the night and now, it was morning. 

"Klaus?" she asked. She was shaking.

"Don't tell anyone I'm not dead, atleast not yet," he chuckled and offered his hand to Ava. It was so weird to hear Tyler speak with a British accent. Ava grabbed it and stood up.

"Why aren't you dead?" she asked and touched Tylers face. She looked him in the eyes and tried to get through. 

"Even though I am in Tyler's body, it doesn't mean that you can get through my mind. Ava you should know more than anyone that it's always good to have atleast one witch on your side," he said and took a grip on Ava's hand.

"The Bennet witch?" she asked. He pushed her away and Ava smirked.

"Of course," he said and smiled back. Ava realized that she now had the chance to escape. 

"Always a pleasure Klaus," she said and in a second she was out of his face. He glanced around him but she really left. 

"Damn it!" Tylerklaus shouted and kicked the air. 

Ava ran through the woods. She got to her car which was on the road untouched. She jumped in and started it. She took her phone and selected Elena's number. She didn't answer and she was concerned and decided to drive to Elena's house. Ava stopped to the sidewalk and went fast speed in the house. She knocked on the door. 

"Elena!" she screamed and the door opened. It was a young boy who had opened it. He had brown eyes and dark hair. He was very muscular to be so young. His eyes were studying her and he rubbed his neck.

"Is Elena here?" she asked and frowned her eyebrows when she saw Damon walk down the stairs. He didn't answer he just looked at Ava with a puckered look.

"Invite me in," Ava said commandingly. The boy shook his head.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"My name is Angeline Petrova. I'm related to Elena and I am her friend, now please invite me in I need to see that she is okay!" 

"Invite her in Jeremy," Damon said behind him.

"Fine, come in," he said with a smile and Ava thanked him. She used her speed to get up to Elena's room, only to see her sleeping and Stefan next to her. Ava gasped when she realized that she was dead.

"Is she going through the transition?" she asked and moved closer to her. Stefan stood up and didn't let Ava get any closer. 

"Why are you suddenly so interested in her? You must have something on your mind."

"Elena is one of the few relatives I have. Katherine is no good, she never thinks about me. I like Elena don't stop me, Stefan," she said and pushed him away. She sat on the bed and watched Elena sleep. 

"She woke up just a minute ago but passed out again," Stefan explained and Ava nodded and stroked Elena's cheek. Suddenly Elena opened her eyes and started to gasp air. She grabbed Ava's hand and squeezed it tight.

"Hi Elena," Ava said and she was relieved. Elena stood up and Ava helped her to get up from the bed. She stared at the lamp and it seemed to annoy her. They explained that she was turning and that was the reason her jaw was hurting and her head was aching. 

"I know the next part of the transition," Elena said and looked Ava straight in the eyes.

"Elena we talked about this," Stefan said but Elena shook her head. 

"She needs to feed," Damon said. He was leaning to the doorframe and watched as Ava helped Elena to stand on her own. 

"I'm on this with Damon," Ava added and Elena glanced at Stefan. She nodded.

"Give me blood."

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