13. Control is important

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Elena, Damon, Ava, Stefan, Jeremy, Caroline, Matt and Bonnie were hanging together. They were sitting at the grill eating and having fun. Ava was getting to know everyone much better, she had actually become good friends with Bonnie and Caroline. It was little awkward to sit in the same table with Matt, because she had fed on him. They were talking about Jeremy's mark and how will they make it show itself.

Ava breathed in and she smelled blood. She squeezed the soft bench under her bottom. Her claws went through it. She closed her eyes and frowned her eyebrows, she was fighting for the urge to go and find the one who is bleeding and rip her throat out. She turned her head to her left and saw a girl bleeding from her hand. Ava glanced to Elena who it didn't bother. Damon leaned to her and whispered her ear.

"Are you okay?" Ava nodded and swallowed loud. She started to have headache. Her breathing started to quicken.

"Help me," she finally whispered to him and squeezed his leather jacket. Her face started to turn but she kept it under control. She stood up and got away from the table, Damon behind her, making their friends whisper. "Is there something between those two?" Ava could hear Elena ask. She went to the bathroom and Damon came behind her.

"What is happening? I never had craved for blood that much," she said and held her hair. She started to get tears in her eyes.

"I wanted to kill that girl Damon!" she shouted. Damon walked to her and pulled her in to a hug. Ava buried her face on to Damon's jacket and cried.

"I'm afraid that I will kill someone, I don't want that anymore," she cried and looked at Damon. He didn't know what to do. Then the door opened and the girl with the wound came in.

"I'm sorry," the girl said. "I didn't realize that there was someone here."

Damon was in a second next to her and she startled. He pulled her inside and locked the door. Ava was leaning to her knees and she revealed her face.

"What's going on?" the girl asked frightened. Ava got to her.

"Don't scream or move," she compelled her. Damon grabbed Ava by the shoulder.

"Remember self control Ava. You do not want to kill her," Damon said and let her go. She sprinted to the girl and sunk her teeth in to her neck. She felt amazing relief when she got the blood in her system. She had blood all over her hand. She let the girl go. Ava bit her wrist and fed the girl her blood.

"Forget this and go back to your friend," she compelled the girl again. The girl turned and left the bathroom. Ava glanced to Damon who smiled. He walked to her and wiped the blood off her mouth. Ava kissed him, it started as a gentle kiss but became more passionate. Ava jumped on the bathroom sink level and gasped.

"Lock the door," she said as Damon was kissing her neck. He locked the door with stretching his hand. He pulled Ava closer to him with his hands on her hips. She started to unbutton his jeans.

"Ava are you okay?" they heard Caroline's voice and stopped. Ava coughed and chuckled silently. Damon smirked and kissed Ava on the neck which made her giggle a bit.

"Yeah Caroline, I just needed help with something," she said and smiled. Damon pet her hair.

"Okay, come out when you're both ready," Caroline said and Ava blushed. She dropped herself from the level and watched herself in the mirror and tidied up. Damon was behind her buttoning his jeans and waiting for Ava.

"Let's go," Damon said but Ava grabbed her by the hand. She opened the tap and water started to pour out, so nobody would hear them.

"What are we going to say? That I can't control my bloodlust?" she whispered very silently.

"Let's just say that we were hungry," he said and Ava nodded.

"Fine let's say that," she said and smiled a crooked smile. Damon offered her his hand and she took it. They left the bathroom and Ava was all smile. They sat to the table were there was only Caroline, Elena and Stefan.

"Where's Bonnie?" Ava asked when she sat down on her bench.

"She left home with Jeremy," Elena said tart. Ava frowned her eyebrows but left it there.

"So what were you two doing in the bathroom," she continued cocky and swished her hair. It made Ava uncomfortable.

"What do you care?" Damon got defensive. He leaned to the table and stared at Elena who was sitting there chin up. Ava was tapping the table with her finger.

"Other than having sex what were you really doing?" Elena said calmly. Ava stood up and leaned on the table.

"Listen doppelgänger," Ava said, she was tired of her being jealous, "I'm trying to be your friend, but you are making it impossible for me to like you. So go home, sleep and maybe tomorrow you won't be such a bitch."

"I will go to sleep, and maybe tomorrow I won't be a bitch." She repeated monotonically. Ava frowned her eyebrows when Elena stood up and turned to the door. Stefan took her by the hand but she didn't react. Damon was staring at them mouth open.

"Did you just compel her?" Stefan asked from Ava.

"I don't know," she whispered confused. She had all these new powers and she didn't even know how to use them.

"Undo it," Stefan said but Ava shook her head.

"No," Ava spat and looked Stefan in his fearful eyes.

"Undo it," He said with a cold tone. Ava hit the table and leaned closer to Stefan.


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