15. Baby steps

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"Damon!" she shouted when she got in to the house. He was waiting for her in the living room. She walked to him and confronted him.

"What are we doing?" she asked and kept her hand on her forehead.

"First you are holding me by the waist and second you just walk away from me," she said and that made Damon frown his eyebrows. He looked at Ava and rubbed his neck. He didn't know what to do.

"If you don't have any feelings for me then stop playing with me," she said and shook her head at the same time. Damon pulled her in to a hug and kissed her.

"I do have feelings for you Ava," he said and left a space between them. He looked away from her, not wanting to confront the feelings he was feeling. It was like a dark hole stuffed the space between them with its coldness. It was frighting to Ava to hear it from him. That he had feelings for her. The outcasts, the ones that could not be loved long. They were swings. No one got attached to them.

"Then please, don't leave it there!" she shouted with her broken voice. She was moved when Damon showed her his face. She let out a tear and threw herself in his arms and kissed him. She sunk her fingers in his thick dark hair. They kissed passionately. Damon kissed her neck and it made Ava gasp.

"Oh god," she gasped and pushed him to the wall. Her face changed and she got back to him. Damon stood there mouth open when Ava took her top off. She placed her hands on his chest and ripped his shirt open.


"How much time is it?" Ava woke up from Damon's bed. He turned and mumbled something that Ava didn't catch. She got up off from the bed and started to put her pants back on, she sat on the bed. Damon rolled to her and grabbed Ava by the waist.

"What is your hurry?" he said with a low voice.

"My hurry is Caroline," she said and raised her eyebrows. Damon got up and leaned on his arm and watched Ava put on clothes. She had the same clothes as before, exept she had long pants, it was chilly outside.

"What are you doing with Caroline?" he asked surprised.

"Girl things," Damon looked at Ava with a suspicious look, he was not buying it.

"Vampire things?" she said with a huge question mark on her face. Damon glanced at her with his "I don't believe" face.

"Okay, fine. I'm kind of seeing Klaus," she said carefully. Damon jumped from the bed.

"What?" he said with frowned eyebrows. "There is no way, you are going to see Klaus."

"Oh because I'm weak?" she asked with a smirk and walked to Damon who was sitting on the bed. She sat on his lap and stared him straight in to his eyes.

"Has Mister Salvatore forgotten the first time we met?" she teased and pushed him to a laying position. Damon placed his hands on Ava's hips and stroked them. Ava smiled widely and touched Damon's lips with her finger. She slid her hand on his chest and chuckled.

"Besides I'm stronger now, I can handle myself," she said with confidence. "I will show him who I am."

She moved away from Damon's lap. She walked briskly to the mirror in the bathroom and fixed her makeup and hair.

"You are really going without me? You're...you're-" he started but didn't finish.

"I'm what?" Ava asked and turned her look to Damon. He smirked slightly but didn't answer.

Damon still had feelings for Elena, but he wasn't sure about his feelings for Ava. He wasn't sure.

"I'm going now, you can join me later. Maybe we could have a human dinner," she said and walked out of Damon's room.

"A human for dinner or the other one?" he shouted when Ava was at the door.

"Which one you'd like?" she whispered knowing that Damon would hear her.


Ava sat in Mystic Grill chatting with Matt who was in waiter duty. She was really getting to know people and creating a life. A life. She understood the meaning of life, she had her humanity on again. It was off so long. She had it with Jack but with Stefan she had it off. That was the reason Stefan had left, plus he went with Lexi the blonde barbie. Matt noticed that Ava was in her thoughts and waved his hand before her eyes.

"Lights are on but there's no one home," he commented and Ava chuckled.

"So a whiskie?" Matt asked and Ava nodded to him.

"You know I shouldn't be giving you drinks, you're nineteen," he said and Ava laughed.

"I am two hundred years over aged, so bring that whiskie to me sonny," she said and patted him on the arm.

Klaus sat next to him and Ava glanced at his face. He was smirking.

"Do you like Matt?" he asked with a cocky expression. Ava snorted.

"As a friend," she said and watched at his facial expression. He just raised his eyebrows as an 'okay'. Matt brought her a whiskie and Klaus ordered the same. When Matt brought Klaus his drink Ava raised her glass.

"To me," she said and sipped a bit from her drink. Klaus nodded and did the same.

"Can I say something to you? Something I've really wanted to say a long time," she asked but Klaus didn't reply.

"Well I'm going to say it anyways because you deserve to hear it," she said through her teeth.

"I hate you so much because of what you did to me. Left me there to turn all alone without anyone. I didn't have a daylight ring in a year. But then your brother came in to the picture, Kol I mean. He gave me one, and I gave him something in return," she said and watched Klaus with a examining look. His mouth was twisting and he forced himself to smile.

"And what did you give him?" he asked with an angry look.

"My heart," she said with tears, "I gave him my heart."

"You Mikaelsons had betrayed me in so many turns that I lost it. I lost control. I ripped three villages in one day feasting with blood. I turned my humanity off."

"But you came back to me. And stole the white oak stake. Anger is a feeling," he said with a wide smirk.

"Maybe, but I only felt anger for many decades. And besides I gave the white oak stake back," she said with a forced cheerful tone.

"Yes you did," he admitted.

"When I stole the white oak stake and I was running from you I met Katherine. I ran from you so long and when I finally met Jack-" she almost broke.

"You mean the poor human who adored you and wanted to become a vampire?" Klaus asked.

"My humanity came back on. I loved him Klaus, I loved him in a way I have never loved anyone before. And I was thinking about turning him, and then I watched you rip his heart out. He looked me in the eyes and I felt the pain he felt. You are a monster Klaus and no one is going to ever love you," she said and got up from the bar stool with tears in her eyes. Klaus watched her get to the door and then whispered: "You did."

Ava chuckled dark and opened the door.

"Past tense."

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