22. Cassia

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"Fes matos revelos," Bonnie was speaking to the spirits. She was doing magic to find out what was happening to Ava. She opened her eyes and they were white. She screamed.

"Bonnie stop," Ava begged but Bonnie kept going. Klaus was keeping her still and Ava tried to squirm out. Bonnie's hands were on Ava's head. Bonnie felt like something was giving her more power to continue. This isn't the time. No Bonnie stop. You need to stop. Stop it. Expression will not help you.

"I won't stop," she tried to fight the spirits.

"What's happening?" Klaus asked when Ava stopped fighting. Ava opened her eyes and they were pure golden. She was calm. Bonnie noticed her hands were going grey and she was bleeding from her nose. She pulled her hands out of Ava's head and they started to slowly return to it's normal color.

"Bonnie stop!"

Flashback (Ava's POV)

"My daughter, this is Solomon. He has arrived here to defend us against the western community," my father, Caius, introduced him to me. Solomon looked at me with his ice colored eyes and raven colored hair. I smiled shy to him and curstied elegantly.

"Cassia," I said and offered my hand to him. He took it gently and kissed it.

"Solomon," he said and bowed. We smiled to each other. He stared me straight in the eyes.

"Solomon, here is Qetsiyah and Silas," my father cut us off and continued to other people. I lay a last glance at him and smiled.

"Solomon," I heard Silas say. I turned to him and he had a serious expression in his face. He shook his head when Solomon went to Qetsiyah. I frowned my eyebrows. I felt him using magic to me.

I do not trust him, he said to me in my mind.

I trust him, I said back.

You clearly like him. Don't let it fool you, he said and I bit my lip and raised my eyebrow.

Then maybe I shouldn't trust Amarra, I said and looked him in the eyes. He lowered his look and seemed sorry.

I apologize. You are right, he said.

This skill was very useful.


"Are you alright?" Klaus asked and let Ava get up by herself. She nodded and brushed her fingers through her hair.

"I'm fine, I guess. I got flashbacks," she said with a smile. Klaus frowned his eyebrows.

"What do you mean? About what?" he asked. Ava smiled softly to him.

"No, I don't know really anything. But I need to go," Ava said with calm and cold voice as she left.

Flashback (Ava's POV)

"Qetsiyah do not test me!" I shouted to the woman who had crossed her hands and leaned on the high rock.

"I just need help with the spell, Cassia. I want nothing more," Qetsiyah tried to explain to me but I stayed strik.

"Find someone else to channel," I spat and Qetsiyah nodded. She walked to me and hugged me.

"I will," she agreed and pulled out of the hug.

"I am sorry I even asked," Qetsiyah said and smiled with an apologizing look.

"It's fine I understand that you want to spent eternity with Silas, I would like that too," I said. Silas was like a brother to me, we'd known each other for our whole lives.


"Come quick we only have few minutes," Solomon said to me and grabbed me by the hand. I lifted my skirt up with my other hand so I would be able to run faster.

"Why do we need to run?" I asked from him but he kept running. We were far away from the tents and I was starting to get tired. I tried to keep in pace but I got a pain in my leg.

"I can't run anymore," I said and he nodded. He moved my hair so he could see my face better. First he kissed my cheek, then my forehead and he moved down to my neck. I gasped and stopped him.

"We shouldn't," I whispered and he stopped. I felt like the woods were falling down on me. Solomon's and my lips were almost touching. I was enchanted.

"I am leaving soon," Solomon said and I nodded.

"I know," I said and he smiled sadly.

"I think I love you," he whispered and took my hand. He thrusted his fingers through my finger gaps and pushed me towards a rock wall. I gasped and he kissed me gently to the lips.

"I love you too," I was able to whisper and he continued to my neck, kissing.

Flashback ended

Who was Solomon? Did I love him? Ava thought to herself. She shook her head so she could think something else. Everything she remembered was really blurry and she didn't now how to pick the pieces of the messy puzzle. She was back at the Salvatore boarding house. She realized that tonight was the prom. The senior prom where Elena was going, and so was Rebekah. She hit herself in the head. How didn't she remember? The door opened and she saw Elena with a red dress. Elena raised her eyebrow and looked Ava from head to toe.

"How can I help you?" she asked and stepped outside. Ava heard a car come to the driveway. She didn't have time to say anything.

"I'm sorry but I can't talk to you. I have a prom to attend to," she said sarcastically and passed Ava. Ava turned and noticed that Stefan was there taking her hand and Damon was putting a coursage in Elena's hand, Elena slightly resisting it.

"That is a beautiful dress," Damon complimented and Elena smiled.

"Thank you. I stole it," she said and smirked to them. She got in to the limo and glared an evil smile to Ava. She got quickly to Damon and grabbed him by the hand. Damon frowned his brows.

"What are you doing?" he whispered under his breath. Ava placed her finger over her lips to quiet him. She swallowed to get a voice out of her sore and dry throat.

"I can feel him," she said and had instant shivers up her spine.

"Who?" Damon asked. Silas Ava mouthed. Damon had a confused look and he nodded.

"Okay. What does that mean?" he asked.

"Just be careful, okay?" Ava asked and smiled shy. He nodded and placed his hand on her shoulder. She turned her head on the side. Damon moved slowly his hand close to Ava's cheek. He caressed it slowly with his thumb.

"I should go," she said, "before I start to-"

"Start to what?" he asked and smiled quietly.

"Start to regret," Ava said and walked past Damon. She got inside the Salvatore boarding house, after all she was still living there.

----Writer's comment----

I really am not happy how this chapter turned out, but I hope things don't move on too fast :D

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