8.) Jacob?

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"Well, this is fucking great!" Joe exclaims sarcastically, slamming the door of his car shut and walking towards the looted gas station.

Camila, Jared, and I hopped out of the car as well and followed Joe into the small building.

There aren't any signs of Infected wondering around the area, and the store seems to be clear of any of them too.

I carefully walk through the shattered glass door and my shoe crunches the tiny glass particles beneath my feet as I walk over them. The shelves are practically stripped clean, with the exception of a few miscellaneous things here and there; mostly the lottery tickets and the milk that's way past its expiration date.

"The soldiers must have found this place," Jared concludes, scanning the small store with shelves knocked over and boxes and shreds of paper scattered everywhere.

"They really cleaned it out." Camila comments, inspecting the carnage around her.

There's absolutely nothing that we can use. All the food is gone. All the drinks are gone. All the over the counter medication is gone. Literally, everything that we need is gone. There's nothing for us.

Okay, there has to be another option. It's not like we really needed the walkie-talkies. We can find other ways to communicate with each other, but we need food and water to survive. Plus, with the extra four mouths that we have to feed now, the food that we do have won't last us that long.

Okay, maybe there's some place else that we can try. Wait...

"Why don't we try one of the other gas stations." I offer, remembering that we circled two or three that are relatively close to where we are now on the map back in the office of the mansion. "I'm pretty sure the nearest one is just down the street a few miles."

Glances are exchanged and Joe shrugs his shoulders.

"I guess we can try." He says. "There's nothing here for us and we're going to need supplies sooner or later."

Jared speaks up before we start to walk out of the store. "What about gas?" He asks. "Have you tried the pumps yet?"

Huh, maybe we should try everything before we decide to jump ship.

I follow Jared out of the barren store, crunching glass under my feet along the way, to the gas pumps that are sitting idly outside in two rows of two.

He walks up to the closest one and picks up the hose, pulling the trigger looking thing and waits...


I scoot over to the one directly to the right of him and repeat the same process.

Once again, nothing.

They must have drained the gas supply while they were here too.

"Well..." I stated with a sigh, putting the nozzle back into the holder. "I guess we have no other option now." This place is useless and there's nothing here for us to use. Off to the next place I guess.

"Guess so," Joe says, letting out a frustrated sigh, running his hand through his – somehow still silky – black hair.

I head off to the car and am about to reach it when I hear a low growling sound, followed by the uneven shuffling of footsteps.

I turn around and see an Infected woman straggling across the street. She's wearing a torn up bloodied nightgown, one single slipper, and her hair looks more like a half completed birds nest with dried out hay-colored hair frizzing out in all different directions.

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