12.) Family Reunion

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The room was silent; said for the sound of shuffling feet and groaning from the Infected slowly making its way towards us. 

My head spun with a roar of thoughts and emotions. 

I felt lightheaded. 

I felt like I was going to be sick. 

I wanted to scream, cry, laugh at the irony of it all.

But I couldn't move. 

I was frozen. 

The Infected was or rather used to be, a nurse. 

A nurse that I also used to call mom.

Her scrubs were drenched in blood, probably her own judging from the gaping hole on her right side. Her hair was matted up and tangled with chunks of crusted dried blood. She walked with a heavy limp from the chunks taken out of her right leg. The most striking thing that I noticed tho were her eyes. 

What used to be bright green and lively, were now clouded over and frantic. 

She started to shuffle faster the closer she got to us. Her teeth started gnashing together and her groaning turned to a growl.   

I look over a Joe, his face void of expression. 


His arm lowered, with the grip on his knife weak. 

I never got along with my mother that well. She never excepted me for who I was and I could never measure up to Joe in her eyes. I was just an afterthought. 

But she was still my mother; and seeing her like... like this. 

She doesn't deserve this.

I tighten my grip on the knife, knowing what I have to do. 

I can't make Joe do it, he'd never forgive himself. He loves her too much. 

I quickly leap forwards, arm raised, and swing around to her backside; hooking my arm around her waist and sinking the blade into her skull with a sickening crunch. 

She twitches for a moment before her cold lifeless body goes limp in my arms. 

I gently lower her down to the floor and take a step back, eyes glued to her carcass.

A wave of emotion suddenly pours over me and I have to bite my quivering lip to keep a whimper from spilling out. 

I just killed my mom.

She wasn't mother of the year by any means, but she was still family. She was still someone whom I loved, even if that love wasn't reciprocated. 

I force myself to rip my eyes from her, turning my attention to Joe. 

He senses my gaze and lifts his eyes from our mom's to mine. 

A tear rolled down his cheek and I could see the sorrow in his eyes.

I open my mouth to say something, an apology for doing what I did; but I can't find the right combination of words. 

I'm at a loss. 

"I'm sorry." I manage to whisper with a cracked voice. 

He stares at me blankly, before shaking his head and averting his gaze from mine. 

"Don't." He answers simply with a cracked voice, "You didn't have a choice." 

I can tell he's trying to be brave in front of everyone, but deep down I know he's devastated and he won't get over this for a while. 

Consumed II [DISCONTINUED] (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now