9.) Secrets

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It's been two days since I told Joe about the incident with Michael; and since then, he hasn't let me leave his sight.

Hell, I'm not even allowed to sleep in my room by myself anymore. We finally figured out a way for everyone to get their own rooms, with the exception of the couples; and Sarah and Cassie refuse to room by themselves. So, Jared got his own room in the guest house with the other guys – Leroy, Patt, Derek, and Michael.

I'm currently sharing a room with Joe, while Camila has the entire master bedroom to herself.

She's still throwing up every morning and Joe's scared that there might be something really wrong with her. But, after she throws up she's usually fine and you can't even tell that she was ever sick in the first place.

Katie, on the other hand, has gotten worse and we're all starting to get worried that she's infectious. All she does is lie in bed all day and sleep or cry. She's constantly sweating, but she always feels cold and clammy. She's lost about 20 pounds because she refuses to eat; and when she does eat, she just throws it up.

Camila did the same thing this morning, so Joe's freaking out that she might have the same thing Katie does.

"We have to do something," Joe states, standing up from the small desk situated in the far left corner of the room. "Katie's getting worse by the day and Camila's been showing the same symptoms." He frets while pacing the room.

"Well, what can we do?" I ask, with little to no trace of hope in my voice. "All the nearby pharmacies have been ransacked to the point where there aren't even gummy vitamins left, and the hospitals are probably overrun by Infected or got destroyed by the military when this all started."

He stops pacing and looks at me with a quizzical look. "Do you know for a fact that the hospital's destroyed?"

Oh no, I know where he's going with this.

"We're not risking it, Joe," I state simply, giving him a hard stare. We've already risked too much and I'd rather not have my life, or anyone else's, life on the line with all those Infected roaming around out there. And now that we have the military to worry about too.

It's too risky.

"Come on Crest," He pleads, walking closer to me so that he's towering above me while I sit on the edge of my bed; arms crossed and unwilling to budge. "Katie desperately needs the meds, and so does Camila. And so does anyone else that catches this... whatever this thing is that's going around." He waves his hands in the air at the last part.

"Joe, it's too risky," I state, staring up at him. "With the soldiers and the Infected roaming around out there I'd rather not put any else's life in danger."

"But, you are putting people's lives in danger by not getting the medication." He says with a raising voice, making my eyebrows go up and I tilt my head to look at him challengingly.

He sighs heavily and runs a hand through his silky black hair. "Sorry," he mumbles, before crouching onto one knee in front of me and placing one of his hands on my knee. "Crest, by not getting those medications Katie's only going to get worse and she'll probably die if we don't do something soon." I let out a thoughtful sigh and run a hand through my hair stressfully

I wonder where that habit came from...?

"And now that Camila's sick..." He starts, "I don't want anything bad to happen to her. And I know she's like a sister to you and I know that you'd never forgive yourself if we didn't at least try."

I hate it when he guilt trips me... cause it always works.

"Fine." I state with a sigh of defeat, "But, Sarah and I need to check on Katie and Camila before we leave to know what kind of meds to get."

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