5.) Hangover

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My God everything hurts like hell.

I groan and roll over in the soft cushiony bed and cringe when the change in head position causes a rocket of pain to shoot through my skull; making it feel like someone was driving a jackhammer into it.

I groan again in agony and hold my hands up to my temples to try and alleviate the pain.

Drinking was a really bad idea.

I feel sticky due to the gross sweat stained pillow and sheets that I was lying under. My backside feels like it's on fire; my throat feels like someone shoved a cactus down it; and my stomach feels like it's going to rupture at any minute.

I basically feel like I got hit by a bus... and then it backed up over me.

I open my eyes for a quick second and the dull sunlight shinning in from the large uncovered windows pierces my eyes like a knife. A loud high-pitched ringing shoots through my head and I pull the thick sheets over my head to engulf myself in the warm darkness of them.

The ringing eventually subsides after a few seconds and I open my eyes again and just starre at the dark emptiness under my sheets.

Christ, it smells like sweat and blood down here; and it doesn't help that all of my senses are magnified by a thousand due to this damn hangover.

Joe's going to murder me.

Well, at least I won't have to deal with this hangover anymore.

And at least I can forget about last night.... Oh God last night.

A sudden shot of pain went up my backside as I thought about the events that took place last night. I all of the sudden feel dirtier than I already felt.

I feel... used.

My stomach tightens up and I feel a hot burning sensation start to work its way up my esophagus.

I quickly throw the sheets off of me and lean over the side of the bed and vomit violently into the little trash bin sitting on the floor next to the bed.

I continue to regurgitate again as the stomach acid burns my throat and makes me forget about all of the other pain in my body.

I breath heavily, trying to catch my breath after heaving up most of the contents in my stomach.

Sweat is drippling down my face and I all of the sudden feel like someone cranked up the temperature to two-hundred degrees.

I wipe the small chunks of vomit from my mouth with the back side of my hand and just hang my head over the side of the bed, shutting my eyes for a second.

"Good morning princess." I practically hit my head on the ceiling I jump so high, as a deep, raspy, masculine voice speaks.

A sudden slice of fear shoots through my body and I'm all of the sudden put on high alert as I expect Michael to be in the room with me.

I turn me head to the direction the voice came from and am taken aback by who it is.

Jared chuckles deeply, probably because of my reaction to him scaring the living shit out of me. I want to scream at him and tell him that he has no right to scare me like that. But, my throat hurts like hell and he probably isn't aware that I was brutally raped by my ex less than twelve hours ago.

He must have read my facial expressing because he stopped laughing and instead gave me an apologetic look. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He apologized while giving me a sincere look.

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