11.) Smooth Sailings

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Author's Note in the comment section -->

Joe skids to a screeching stop at the front of the mansion, switching the truck's gears into 'park' in a split second, before bolting out of it and towards the front door. Anthony hops out of the back and sprints at lightning speed right behind him. 

I jump out of the truck just as quickly, reaching the doors just seconds before Joe and Anthony throw them open, sprinting down the hallway towards the sound of heartbroken sobbing and screaming. 

I ran as fast as I could, trying to keep up with Joe and Anthony. I could hear Jared and Sarah's footsteps slap rapidly on the marble floor behind me. 

I skid around the final corner, only to slam to halt, gaping at the horrendous scene that lay before me.

There was blood everywhere. 

It painted the walls and floor; but, that wasn't the most horrifying part. 

Kiyana was standing in the doorway of the room, holding a bloodied kitchen knife in her shaky hands. She was drenched in blood from head to toe. Her lips were quivering and it looked like she was on the verge of tears. 

I looked behind her to see two bodies strewn on the floor... lifeless. 

"I'm sorry." She stammered, "I-it was my only option."



"So, what exactly is the plan?" I ask Joe, as he weaves his way through the winding twisty roads towards the hospital, dodging abandoned cars and the occasional body. 

"We get in and get out a fast as possible with what we need." He states simply with an innocent shrug. His eyes dart around to road, checking for any signs of Infected wondering the streets. 

I shake my head slowly "I mean, like, where are we going to leave the car? And what entrance are we going to use? And exit for that matter." I go on. "What happens if we can't get out the way we came in? What if we there's a hoard?" I stop to take a breath and look over at him. 

He opens his mouth to say something, then closes it again. He taps his fingers on the steering wheel and runs a hand through his hair. "Those are good questions." He responds finally. 

I let out a sigh of disbelief and slump into my seat. "You didn't think about any of that did you?" I ask, already knowing the answer before the question even came out of my mouth. 

Joe just shrugs innocently, "Not really."  

I shake my head and sigh, "Remind me again why you're in charge?" I put my elbow up on the edge of the window and rub my right temple. 

Joe grins arrogantly at my question, "Because I'm the most attractive." He answers and Sarah starts laughing from the back seat. I snort in response and start laughing too. 

Joe just rolls his eyes and mumbles something under his breath. 

"So, Mr. I have everything figured out" He starts after Sarah and I stop laughing, "What's your grand master plan?" He gives me a sideways look for a quick second before focusing his eyes back on the road.  

Consumed II [DISCONTINUED] (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now