2.) Jehovah's Witness

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"Hey, you almost ready?" I ask as I jog down the front stairs of the mansion to the large red truck that was sitting in the long circular driveway. Joe and Camila were inspecting some large guns while Anthony and Kiyana were making themselves comfortable in the bed of the truck.

"Yeah. We were just waiting for you." Joe responded. "You good?" He asked and I nodded in response, telling him that I was ready to go whenever he was.

"Where did you get those?" I ask curiously, pointing to the large automatic weapons that were being held by both Camila and Joe. Last time I checked we only had one fancy gun with three hand guns and a hunting rifle that they apparently found in a Prius a while back.

"We found them in one of the boxes that we got from the 'safe house' last week." He explained putting air quotes around the safe house since it wasn't all that safe. Mainly due to the fact that someone else got there before us; and it was located in the middle of the suburbs that was crawling with Infected around every corner.

I incline my head in understanding, even though I don't remember specifically seeing any weapons in that place. But, then again, I was a little out of it at the time and wasn't really paying attention to much else besides the medical supplies.

Speaking of which...

"Where did you put all the medical supplies at?" I ask as I approach the already open door of the truck.  Since I was probably the only one who actually knows how to use any of it, it would be helpful to know where it all was. Just in case something happened and someone needed my professional-ish medical assistance.

"We put it in one of the spare bedrooms." Camila explained. "We figured that we'd make the room like a little clinic... just in case." She added, as she climbed into the truck so that she was sitting shot-gun, while I was in the middle and Joe was driving the stick-shift truck.

"Do you even know how a stick-shift works?" I ask skeptically. Last time I checked, he's never had one, nor has he ever been taught to use one.

At least to my knowledge anyway.

He put his hand to his chest and faked a look of hurt "Are you questioning my intelligence?"

"You have to have intelligence for me to question it in the first place." I replied wittily. God, it feels good to be back to my normal smart ass self. Maybe convincing myself that I'm fine won't be as hard as I thought.

"You're an ass." He responds with a smirk as he turns the keys in the ignition and, surprisingly enough, puts it into the right gear and we make our way around the circular driveway and down the short pathway to the large black iron gate that served as one of two ways on and off the property.

There's another small pathway that leads towards a small gate that will take us out the back way, but we plan to only use that for emergencies so that we don't have to worry about trying to manage two gates.

As we pull up, Cassie and Sarah notice us and start to open the gates up for us manually, by unchaining them and heaving them open.

We could use electricity to open them, but apparently it was decided that we should conserve the power for more useful things, such as keeping the perishables cold and the lights in the house working. We may have solar panels, but there's only so much that we can do with them.

I give them both a small wave, which they return, before Joe pulls us through the gates and out onto the narrow and windy road.

Cassie and Sarah push the gates shut behind us and lock them back together.

Now we were completely exposed to whatever the cruel, heartless world had to offer us. The only safe haven was locked up behind us and we were only getting further and further away from it the longer Joe kept his foot on the gas pedal.

Consumed II [DISCONTINUED] (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now