Chapter Twelve

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    "So what was his name, your husband?" I turned to frown at him, wondering why he'd bring something like that up after what went on between us just moments before. I cleared my throat, straightening up in my seat as I remembered a man I had tried desperately to forget. "His name was Shane." I replied dryly, and he caught on to my tone as he glanced over at me. "You sound like you hated the guy." he chuckled out, and when he noticed the unamused look in my eyes he stopped. "Oh." he breathed out, looking back at the road. "What'd he do to piss you off?" I quickly looked away, "Let's change the subject." I suggested, but he wasn't having that as he continued. "Come on, sweetheart, what's the point of keeping secrets now?"
    I narrowed my eyes as I watched the trees pass by, and it was when he nudged me that I finally snapped. "No!" He jumped a bit at my sudden outburst, mumbling a quick 'oops' before turning his attention back to where we were headed. The feeling was back now-- a feeling of absolute disgust and hate for this man as he, once again, almost broke through my wall, shattering my defense. He'd made me feel vulnerable, something I hated with a passion. I coughed, letting out a soft sigh. "So what would it take to go with you to Alexandria?" I asked softly after a few moments of silence, wanting to take my mind off the previous conversation, and he chewed at his lower lip in thought. "Wear some of the lingerie to bed every night." he gave me his bargain, and I mentally slapped myself before agreeing. "Fine," I groaned out, "But that's the only time." Negan shrugged, accepting my offer as we pulled into the Sanctuary.
    I smiled to myself, knowing I had him where I wanted him as I reached over to rub his thigh. "Maybe you could let me stay there over night?" He choked out a surprised cough, looking over at me after coming to a stop. "Don't push it, princess. I could always change my mind." I looked into his eyes, speaking softly so only he could hear as his men opened the doors. "No you won't. Wanna know why?" He raised his brow as if waiting for time to tell him, and I leaned in. "Because I know you want to see me in little to no clothing. Wouldn't give that up now, would ya?" Negan narrowed his eyes, and I simply smirked, feeling victorious. "Shit, lady, you're worse than me sometimes." Oh, Negan....if you only knew. "Fine. When I head to Alexandria in the next couple days, you can come too." And just like that, the plan was now in motion.

Author's Note: so guys, what do you think is going to happen? Let me know in the comments!:)

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