Chapter Fifteen

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    I held onto the handle of Lucille, listening to Negan talk about how to swing and properly knock down an enemy, using both Abraham and Glenn as examples. I knew he was trying to push my buttons, aggravate me to the point I'd snap, finding it amusing when I was upset. My grip on the bat tightened as the walker in front of me groaned, reaching a hand out in hopes to grab me as Negan continued to speak. When he mentioned killing someone else, I couldn't hold it in any longer, raising the bat as I spun around, allowing it to connect with his head. He fell to the ground, and I continued to beat in his head as I screamed, all the rage coming out-- "Oh, Christ! You hit em hard!" Negan cheered as I knocked down the walker, crushing its head in with the bat as I pictured someone else as the victim. I straightened up, turning to face him as a wide grin spread over my cheeks, letting myself admit that is was a fun weapon of choice. I noticed a couple of his trucks pulling up, a few of his men moving to unload its contents as I wondered where it came from.
I went to say something, but as I opened my mouth a machine gun was fired, alerting both Negan and I that something was wrong as some men were shot down. He quickly took the bat from my hands, heading over as I quickly stumbled behind. "I only want Negan; he killed my friends... No one else needs to die." a familiar voice filled my ears, and when I saw who it was my eyes widened. Negan whistled at the boy, "Damn. You are adorable. Did you pick that gun 'cause it looks cool? You totally did, right? Kid, I ain't gonna lie you scare the shit outta me." Carl was knocked to the ground by Dwight, the boy wincing before Negan interrupted.
"Dwight, back off. Is that any way to treat our new guest? Come on, kid. I'll show you around." he held his hand out for him to take as he spoke. Carl noticed me, a look of shock spreading over his features before he narrowed his eyes at Negan, who chuckled. "You know, you do the same damn stink-eye as your dad, except it's only half as good 'cause well, you know, you're missing an eye." Silence. "Really? You're really not gonna take my hand? Because you're lucky you even still have a hand.
Same as your boy Daryl over here, now that I think about it. How's the job going, Daryl? Hot enough for you? Yeah, it'd be tough with one arm." I looked over at Daryl, who was being forced to fight off walkers as Carl finally took Negan's hand. He chuckled, "Ah, smart kid. Dwighty-boy, why don't you grab Daryl, take him to the kitchen, do a little grub prep. New plan, boys-- let's burn the dead, unload the truck later."
He looked over at me, a smirk forming over his lips. "Damn, I am not gonna have time to screw any of my wives today...I mean, maybe one." he ended, glancing over at Dwight as he pulled Daryl away, and I could feel my stomach knotting up. "What are you gonna do to me?" Carl asked him, and Negan sighed, holding up a finger. "Number one, do not shatter my image of you. You're a badass. You're not scared of shit. Don't be scared of me, it's a disappointment. Number two, you really want me to ruin the surprise? Screw you, kid. Seriously...screw you." Negan said with a frown, turning to face me. "Vanessa, be a dear and wait for us in my room." he ordered, and as he left I noticed Lucille propped up against the back of the truck, deciding to leave it there as I walked away.

Author's Note: will be fixing any mistakes if I find them. Let me know what you think! :)

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