Chapter 5

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Camentered my view as she came round to sit on the vacant chair by my hospital bed. She placed a motherly hand on my head and sighed.

 “This is Doctor Kane Riley and he’s done his best for you dear. You don’t need to look so scared, he helped you.”

Camdidn’t know what he was so she couldn’t understand. He was a werewolf which meant he knew I was one too. What if he tried to get me to join his pack too? I didn’t want to. I really, really didn’t want to. I was so frustrated that tears started to gather in my eyes.Camdidn’t notice but I know Doctor Riley did. He kept himself composed but I saw the worry in his eyes. What was he worrying about? I wanted him to stop worrying, right then and there.

 “Now,” he started, coming over to kneel next to the bed. “We just need a few answers.”

That did it. I let out a piercing scream and backed into the pillows.Cammade shushing noises and looked perplexed. So did the Doctor but he just looked even more worried than before.

 “I won’t hurt you. It’s OK,” Doctor Riley soothed.

I tried to eject some of the fear from my eyes as I looked into his own. Once I had calmed down a little he started again.

 “What’s your name?”


Doctor Riley nodded and proceeded to ask me my surname. I answered like before and tried to control my heart rate. Where was he going with this?

 “Have you seen Saskia before Camelia?” he askedCam.

She sadly shook her head.

 “I found the poor girl in the forest behind my house. It seems she accidentally stepped into Richard’s animal trap. He’s probably already told you that but what I don’t get, Saskia, is what you were doing in the forest at night in the first place.”

I swallowed back rising bile and tried to stop the quaking of my hands. I was trying to formulate a vague answer to her question but because of my recent sleep, I was still groggy and not fully awake at all.

 Doctor Riley laid a hand on Camelia’s shoulder and shook his head.

 “She’s fatigued; the questions are much too heavy for her to take in. Let’s leave it for a little. In the meantime, would you like some food Saskia?”

With the thought of food came a grumbling from my stomach. Doctor Riley and Cam chuckled and almost like they had silently communicated,Camleft the room, no doubt on the hunt for a decent meal. Doctor Riley took her seat and took off his intelligent-looking spectacles. He rubbed his face and looked back at me.

 “I know right now you’re a little scared but I can’t even begin to wonder why. We’re the same species Saskia, what are you scared of?”

I needed to speak up now; put out my wishes there first before he could even begin to think of taking me to his alpha.

 “I’m a rogue and I plan on staying one till the end of my days,” I said with more confidence than I thought was possible.

Doctor Riley nodded while his calm composure stayed intact. I took it as my queue to continue.

 “I may seem reckless, falling right into a trap seconds away from human land but I’m not. I’m stealthy and capable of looking after myself perfectly so please, let me go.” I finished my sentence whispering, feeling another round of tears bubbling up to the surface. No one understood what freedom was to me. This nomadic life was an anchor. An anchor to my mom and an anchor to my past. Somehow and very ironically, it was home because it was what I understood best.

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