Chapter 2

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I think I'll make it my goal to upload a chapter every day until we get to the main parts of the story. I'm doing my best and am happy with the result so far! 

That's who I imagine Saskia to look like >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I grumbled and turned away from Banjo’s wet tongue. He was getting a little too annoying for my liking. Another wet trail made its way onto my cheek and this time, my eyes flew open and I rounded on Banjo.

 “Will you quit it already?” I barked at him. He whimpered and jumped off the broken bed I was sleeping on, his tail tucked between his hind legs.

 I sighed deeply and rubbed my face.

 “What’s up?” I asked Banjo.

Immediately Banjo perked up and yipped at my bedside table. The only thing there was my meagre collection of make-up and my broken watch. Glancing at the watch, I gasped. Great, now I was going to be late.

 “Thanks boy,” I called after Banjo, bounding from the room and into the grimy toilet in the hallway. I washed my face with freezing cold water and brushed my teeth, I imagine, like a maniac would. Shrugging on a woolly, white jumper and my second pair of skinny jeans, I grabbed two slices of bread and let myself out. The morning air was sharp and cold and it didn’t hesitate in biting and nipping at my exposed skin. I needed a scarf and badly. If I wasn’t careful I would catch a cold or something worse and I couldn’t waste any of my money on petty things like medicine.

 I ran all the way to school, restraining myself from going at full speed but it wasn’t good enough. I got to Carmel High just as the doors closed and the bell rung for homeroom.

 “Brilliant,” I grumbled under my breath. I’d get a late slip and another one this week would mean instant detention after school.

 I rung the office bell and waited for them to admit me in. Signing the late register, I slumped into homeroom, a door away from the school office.

 Mr Graves - my homeroom and Geography teacher - looked up from a piece of paper and at me. His eyebrows rose as he gave me ‘the look’.

 “Sorry,” I mumbled and made my way to a seat at the front of the room. A few of my classmate’s sniggered and whispered but I gladly shut them out. Taking out a scraggy notebook from my bag, I continued a sketch of a tree directly outside my homeroom.

 Five minutes later, the bell rang but just as I was about to leave the room, Mr Graves called me back.

 “Yes sir?”

 “Are you aware that your tardiness is a major problem Saskia?” he asked me, tapping his pen on his leg.

 “A major problem?”

 “Yes, a major problem. And do you know why it’s so major?”

I shook my head at him.

 “This irresponsibility Saskia, will come back to you later in life. If you don’t start training yourself to get it right, it will become a habit and no like-minded employer will want to hire you. Do you understand?”

Reluctantly, I nodded. Mr Graves was officially my most-hated teacher. He didn’t understand me or my situation so he had no say in what I should or should not be doing.

 “Hurry along.”

I sat through double Physics and bad-mouthed Mr Graves in my head all the way through it. By the time I was out of there and heading to my locker, I had gone through almost every foul word in the English dictionary. Again, it was an example of how hot-tempered werewolves are and how easy it is to flip their emotional switch from cool to hot lava.

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