Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 and Chapter 15 were origanlly supposed to be one chapter but due to how long it would have been, I decided to seperate them! Just in case any of my readers were put off by how  much they'd have to read.

“Saskia! Saskia, look at this!” Hayden called from the far end of the food court where I sat eating with my friends.

 Hayden leaped towards my table and stopped abruptly as she waved an A4 piece of paper in my face. I could roughly make out the silhouettes of a man in a tux and a girl in a dress on the poster.

 “Saskia,” Hayden gasped. “It’s the Spring Formal.”

 “The what?” I asked her.

 Despite the rainy weather, Hayden was dressed in bright, cheerful clothing. She had opted for a pink plaid skirt that shouldn’t have looked good on anyone but suited Hayden perfectly. Over the top she was wearing a prim blazer in, you guessed it, the same shade of pink as her skirt and a white top underneath.

 “Here look.”

 The A4 poster Hayden had been holding was thrust into my face. I obligingly took it and studied it for a few seconds. The words ‘Spring Formal’ covered most of the paper in orange and green letters and were surrounded by daisies and dandelions. The date was set for two weeks later and would be held in the large sports hall. The dress code was formal.

 “What do you want me to do about it?”

Hayden huffed and shook her head at me.

 “I want you to go, that’s what. You need to socialise and have fun. Look, it’s only for seniors and it will be the perfect chance to show everyone how pretty and nice you are.”

 I almost cringed.

 “I don’t go to things like that,” I told her.

 “Yeah, neither do I,” Alaska chipped in. “Neither does Benjy, Reira and Jude. KG usually does cause he wants to ‘check out the game’.” Alaska made quotation marks with her fingers. “Angel hasn’t been here long enough so I don’t know and I’m unsure about Seb. Do you Seb?”

 Sebastian gulped down more soda. He looked a little uncomfortable and kept darting glances to Angel who sat beside him, daintily licking strawberry yoghurt off of a spoon. I understood his dilemma instantly and jumped in to save him.

 “The thing is Hayden, I’m not a sociable person and I doubt I’ll ever be. Anyway, I don’t think anyone would ask me to be their date.”

 “I’d take you,” KG said to me, his eyes two big round balls.

 Benjy laughed and shook his head and Jude smacked him lightly around the head.

 “What? I would!”

I looked up at Hayden who surprisingly, wasn’t looking at any of us. She had her gaze set on someone further down the room. I tried to swivel round in my chair and see who had caught her attention but before I could even look in the same direction as her, she was walking off at a brisk pace. I was about to call her back but let her go. We could talk later about this Spring Formal. In fact, we didn’t even need to talk. We could just ignore the subject completely.

 Before I could even start eating again, Hayden was back and towing someone along by their arm. It was Clayton. Of course.

 “You don’t need to worry about a date. Clayton will take you.” 

 Clayton looked confused for a bit. It was actually quite funny to see him under Hayden’s control.

 “I will?”

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