Chapter 16

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 AN: I've been thinking about the length of each of my chapters and for some reason, on Wattpad, three to five pages should be the average amount and that's what I've been sticking to just in case one of my readers decided it was too long and dropped it all together. But then I thought, normal books don't have chapters that last for 3 pages which led me to thinking, "Why can't my story be like that too?" So here you go, 1 long chapter and 1 long author's note :D

“How long does it take one girl to choose a book?” Seb asked me with a huff as he flipped through today’s newspaper. I was sat in the armchair beside his, hugging my knees to my chest without caring about how dirty my shoes would make the upholstery. The school library could only be described as ancient. Despite the rest of the school trying to looking modern and failing miserably, the library seemed to be trying too hard to look like something out of a period drama from England. It was all wood, dark green and dark red. If they were trying to make it look professional they had succeeded. One thing they had also succeeded in was making it look dingy. I swear I could even smell damp.

 I shrugged in response.

 “You know Alaska. She needs to make the right choice.”

Sebastian nodded his head slowly and flicked to the next page.

 “That’s true. You know Saskia, you haven’t been here very long but you’ve certainly got us all sussed out.”

I knew what Seb meant because I had thought about it myself. I always knew I was observant. When you’ve lived all your life in the shadows, it becomes pretty hard not to watch other people like you would watch a film. Like a film, you watch their lives progress and move on, all behind an invisible screen because not once do they notice you. Not once do they realise you’ve watched their whole relationship from start to finish, watched it develop and watched it fall to pieces. And when you’ve been doing it for a total of 18 years, well, you’re practically a psychologist.

 “I guess you’re right,” I said.

Alaska appears from behind a bookcase, almost scaring the crap out of me.  “I’ve got the book, let’s go.”

 “Finally,” Sebastian groaned as he pulled himself out of the chair and held a hand out for me. I took it and pulled my bag off the floor.

 “No need to be so grumpy.” She blew a piece of hair out of her eyes, clutching her beloved books to her chest. We made our way out of the library and into the hallway. My next lesson was U.S Government with Alaska. So far, I didn’t know what to make of it.

 Suddenly, her piercingly intelligent eyes turned towards me.

 “You still haven’t told us how that shopping trip with ‘The Barbie Doll’ went.”

 The Barbie Doll? I mused. That was certainly a new one.

 “Don’t call her that Alaska,” I sighed with annoyance. Alaska never knew when to cross the line and when not to. I had a feeling she didn’t even know ‘lines’ existed. “It went well, if you can call not finding a dress well.”

 Alaska harrumphs. “If I were you, I’d go in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt that says, ‘Save the Whales’. I have one of those you know. Greenpeace gave it to me when –”

 “Oh Alaska shut up. No sane girl would go to the prom like that and if Saskia wants to have a better reputation than you do, then she’ll go in a dress.”

 Alaska gasped and hung her mouth wide open. “I can not believe you just said that Sebastian.”

 “Get over it Alasky.”

Wolfie in the Middle (Unfinished)Where stories live. Discover now