Chapter 18

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AN: No editing so I'm sorry for any mistakes in advance. Vote, comment or like, either way it's making me happy :)

I stroked a hand down my side, revelling in the slimness of my waist. It was the dress’s doing. It was slim-fitting and made me feel like a princess, excuse the cliché. I heard a sigh beside me.

 “You’re stunning Saskia. Really, you are,” Hayden told me, clutching her hands together as she surveyed me in the mirror. The younger girl hadn’t done too badly herself. Her hair was piled up onto her head into what could only be described as a messy bun with a twist. It was even decorated with a diamond hair piece in the shape of a seashell which I thought was the perfect touch.

 “Wait till the guys see you,” she commented with a highly pitched voice. She was extremely excited and while her comment made me blush, it couldn’t be helped when some of that excitement started to rub off on me.

 I inspected my own hair and decided that the style couldn’t have worked better. Hayden’s mom had decided that I shouldn’t go for the sleek chignon look like Hayden had but instead, keep it out and wavy. The result was what could only be described as old Hollywood. I looked and felt like a star and I truly believed that nothing could change that.

 “Ready girls?” Luna Thea asked, popping her head around the door to Hayden’s bedroom, which let me just say, is huge and so immaculately furnished I felt like I was walking into an Ikea show room.

 “Yes, I’ve just finished Saskia’s make-up. Don’t you think she looks beautiful?”

I blushed some more and tried to swat Hayden’s comment away with the wave of my hand but my Luna wouldn’t have any of it.

 “Don’t deny it Saskia. You’re very lucky to be blessed with good looks honey and I know that may sound shallow but as much as we wouldn’t want it to be the truth, looks can get you a lot of places. Now, make sure you enjoy yourself tonight or all of this makeup and hairspray would have gone to waste.”

 “Yes ma’am.”

Thea shook her head.

 “And do not call me ma’am. Call me Thea from now on. I don’t like all this Luna business anyway.”

I silently agreed with her.

Thea ushered us out of Hayden’s room and down the stairs where Kirsten was just about to walk through the door.

 “Oh good, you’re ready,” she said, beaming at the both of us. The werewolf girl looked stunning. The red suited her and made her seem like she was glowing. “You’ll never guess what? Drake’s only just gone and hired us all a limo. He said something about Ophelia nagging about wanting it.”

We all laughed at the thought but before we could leave, Thea insisted she take a picture of the three of us then and there.

 “Be quick Mom. We have a dance to attend.”

 “I know, I know.”

By the time Thea could retrieve her oversized camera, Clayton, Josh and the Alpha had arrived.

 “Did my invitation to the fashion show get lost in the mail?” Alpha Hunter teased his wife as he draped an arm around her waist.

 “No kidding,” Clayton added as he stood there smiling and checking us out one by one.

 “Hey buddy, eyes off the girl,” Josh said, slapping Clayton’s chest. It was the first time I had heard him speak and it was surprising that such a lean guy could have such a husky voice.

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