Dinner at the Mansion

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*okay so i'm literally winging this without a plan and it's 1 am so don't mind me if my grammar sounds mental as f*ck and SORRY IF THE ENDING IS UNSATISFACTORY*

Oswald's P.O.V.

"Dinner at the mansion, 8 o'clock?"

"I'll pick us up a nice bottle of wine."


I ask Olga to get the table ready while I collect myself. After I put my suit on, I notice how hot I feel- and it isn't the clothing. I'm growing nervous.

How will he react? Does Ed feel the same way? Will this ruin our relationship as a whole?

Questions fly through my brain as I sit at the edge of my bed and bury my face in my hands. Pull yourself together, Oswald.

By the time I'm all freshened up, I've lost my appetite. I sit down and wait patiently for Edward. I hope he shows up.


It's 8:12, and Ed is never late. I feel my stomach drop with a frightening concern.

He probably has a good reason for being late.... But what if-

My thoughts are cut off by the sound of the doorbell. I smile and get up from my chair, rushing towards the door.

I turn the doorknob slowly, gulping. I don't know how tonight will turn out.

I'm greeted by Ed's wide smile lighting up the doorway. "Hi, Oswald! I'm so sorry I'm late, you'll never guessed what happened tonight." He's dressed in a dark green suit, brown hair slicked back, and his browline glasses glimmering on the sides.

I look up at the taller man, returning the grin. "O-of course, Ed. Let's talk over dinner." We walk over to the long table, food stretching from one end to the other.

"Wow," Edward gasps. "This is quite the setup, Os."

"Heh," I chuckle. "You'll have to thank Olga. I picked everything out, but she made the food and... Oh, um, sit!"

To my delight, Ed takes the seat closest to mine; despite the 8 other chairs available towards the end.


I've barely touched my food. Nervousness has taken over my hunger.

"Remember," Ed continues, "when I told you about my ex that I killed? Ms. Kringle... that's who the woman I met tonight resembled. I find it somewhat disturbing how someone can look so similar to another without being related at all. She kind of creeped me out. Anyways, that's why I was late. Again, apologies."

"No, no," I say reassuringly. "It's fine Ed, really. I had some more time to collect myself."

"Collect yourself?" Edward asks. "Oswald, is everything alright?"

"Yeah," I respond quietly. "Ed, the reason I've asked you to be here is... Is because, I-I have to tell you that... I... Um, I have something to tell you."

"You... Have to tell me that you have something to tell me?" He mocks with a laugh. "Sorry, continue. You're not in danger, are you Oswald?"

"No, I don't think so," I respond. I'm finding myself speechless. I just stare into Edward's eyes, savoring the last moments we have as friends.

What I'm trying to say will either end in love or disaster.

"Oswald. You can tell me anything." Ed grabs my hand, making my heart accelarate.

I look down. "We've grown close, right? I don't know what I would be without you. And... I know you probably don't feel the same way, but... I... I am in love with you. I love you, Ed."

Edward's grip on my hand loosens in surprise. I feel his stare stinging the side of my cheek. We sit in silence.

About a minute passed before Ed says, "I would be lost without you."

I had just said that to him earlier. I smile and meet his eyes once again.

Without warning, Ed leans over the side of the table and plants his smooth lips against mine. I shift in surprise, wondering if this is a dream.  I barely notice Ed's hand slide behind me, but I pull my arm around the back of his neck anyways.

Ed slowly pulls away and leans back into his chair. "Thank you," he says lightly.

"For... For what, exactly?" I ask.

"For everything. The friendship, the breakout, the job... the kiss... I hope you know, Oswald... I love you. I hope that we don't have to limit ourselves to-"

I interrupt him with another kiss, forcing myself to pull pretty much all of my body over the table. My hand runs through Ed's hair. The bridge of my nose bumps into the rim of his glasses as our kiss deepens.

I break from the kiss with a pleased chuckle, releasing the grip I had around Edward's head.

He grabs both of my hands and calmly says,

"I've wanted this for a long time, my little Penguin."

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