Invitation- Part Two

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The door swings open. My heart skips a beat. I nearly drop the wine bottle in my left hand as I look up at Edward's face.

I decide to speak first. "Hel... Hello, Edward. I hope I'm not too early. I just didn't-"

"You're right on time, Oswald. Please, come in."

He seems to smile nervously as he quickly grabs my free hand, pacing towards the table he set up.

My face feels hot again. Keep calm.

Ed pulls out a chair for me, not too far away from the other. I set the bottle down next to the big bowl of pasta and sit as Ed walks to the sink.

"This dinner preparation," I say, "is beautiful."


"You're beautiful," I say under my breath.

"What was that?" Oswald asks.

"Oh, um, I said thank you. And thank you for coming, Oswald." I look at him to find his face pointed toward his lap, smiling.

"Thanks for inviting me over."

I nod awkwardly and make my way to the table, setting two beaker wine glasses on it.


"...So I ended up letting him go off without any punishment! Can you believe that?" Oswald starts to crack up at his own story, taking the last sip of his wine. He sets the glass next to his now-empty plate. I laugh along with him, but I just can't help getting lost in Oswald's emerald eyes.

He notices my stare and asks, "What is it?"

"N-nothing. I, uh...
Pronounced as one letter, and written with three. I'm double, rarely single, I'm green, blue, and grey... I'm read from both ends, and the same either way. What am I?"

Oswald throws me a puzzled look and shifts his jaw, trying to figure out the answer to my riddle. The answer is eyes, I want to yell out. I look back into his. Oswald's eyes dialate. He sits up and shifts in his dark blue suit.

"Eye?" he asks. Honestly, I'm surprised he got it. "...What about eyes? My eyes?" His cheeks deepen in color.

"I... I was just looking at them. They're... captivating." I suddenly look down, feeling utterly idiotic.


You're captivating, I think.

I say nothing, just trying to hide my growing smile. I slowly scoot forward in my chair, nearing Ed. I try to be sly while doing so, but he shifts as if he notices.

Trying to remain calm, I casually set my hands on the table and move my plate to the side. Edward looks back up, focused on my hands.

"I feel," he starts, "as if we don't talk as much as we should. At least, not as much as we want to. I mean- I want to, uh- I didn't mean that you..."

Ed's voice trails off as my hand makes it's way onto his.


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