3x14 Alternative Ending

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"Ed, are you listening to me?!"

"I'm listening, Oswald."

"Edward," Oswald said, voice cracking. The rainfall seemed to mask his tears, but his pleading eyes poured out pure heartbreak. Nygma held the shorter man at gunpoint, attempting to hold back his own tears.

"Ed... I did it because I love you. And I know you believe me. Even if you don't feel the same way now... Ed, please. Please, say something!"

Edward looked slightly down and swallowed hard. He forced himself to cock his gun and say,
"Isabella... I loved her, and you killed her." Oswald reached his hand out forward, wanting nothing more than forgiveness from the man he loves.

With mixed emotions, Ed slapped Oswald's hand away harshly and raised his gun. Ed tried his very best to flush away all of the emotion on his face, keeping it straight. Oswald broke out into a quiet sob, knowing that his time was up. Nygma placed his index finger on the trigger, applying pressure ever-so slightly. He then pulled Oswald forward by his tie, looking deep into his blue-green eyes.

Os shifted his gaze upwards and brokenly whispered, "You can't do this..."
Tears, now more apparent than the raindrops, rolled quickly down Oswald's face. Edward placed the gun against the side of Oswald's head.

But instead of pulling the trigger, Ed just pulled Os into a tight embrace, giving up to the tears built up behind his eyelids. His chest shook against Oswald's short body with each sob.

"I loved you," the taller man whispered. Oswald sniffled and tilted his head in minimal confusion. He found himself hugging Edward back, making most out of the desperate situation.

"And," Os asked, "you don't now?" What was he saying?  Of course Ed didn't love him back- not now. Not after what he did.

"You had her killed," Edward responded softly, pulling apart from Oswald. Os nodded slowly and painfully, expecting a bullet to find it's way to his trembling body. Any time now.

"But," Ed continued, "I know what it's like to kill for love. I appreciate the fact that our relationship was close between you and I, Oswald. And... I want to feel betrayed by you, but I understand your initial intentions. Even if they were acted upon by your selfishness." Ed's voice was breaking between small weeps. "I don't want... I'm not going to kill you." The gun lowered.

"...Why not?" Oswald asked. "A life filled with nothing but your hatred for me isn't one worth living. Shoot me, Ed. If it's guilt you're worried about... I forgive you, okay? I still love you."

"I don't hate you, Os. That's the problem. After all you've put me through... After all I've put you through... I strangely find myself unable to ever stop loving you. I'm... I'm still in love with you."

The taller man threw the gun into the water, off the docks. He stepped towards the speechless Penguin, who was flushed and gaping. Oswald struggled to find a single response, but eventually spoke:

"I am... so unbelievably sorry for what I've done. I can't understand why you'd ever have a reason to not hate me... let alone... love me, as I do you."

All of the sudden, Ed parted his lips and bent down to find Oswald's. Both of their faces burnt at the light, wet touch. Edward broke away from the brief kiss, mouth curving at Oswald's redness.

"Oswald." Ed grabbed the shorter man's hand in his own. "To forgiveness?"

Os smiled and looked up into Ed's brown eyes. "To forgiveness... And... And to everything that the future holds for us. I... I love you."

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