Getting Over It

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*okay honestly idk
what the hell this
short thing is, I wrote it for a
mutual on Instagram based
on some crack post LMAO*
*dt: nygmobblehoe (IG)*

The Riddler bursts through the doors of the Iceberg Lounge, in search of Oswald Cobblepot. It's been months, but he is in desperate need of help. Without Oswald, Edward Nygma won't be able to secure his safety, being that Jeremiah is still doing his best to rid Gotham of its citizens.

What Edward finds is... interesting. Surprising, to say the least.

The Penguin is sat on a large, black sofa on the side of the club. With women on both sides of him. One is short with a mass amount of blonde hair. The other, the one he's leaning towards, is tall with straight, brown hair.

Oswald seems displeased, but the sight still makes Ed's stomach churn in disgust.

“Excuse me,” he says carefully, “Oswald? I, uh.... I need your help.”

For a split-second, Oswald's eyes glisten. But then he sighs and plasters a grin on his face, leaning back and hesitantly placing his arm on the woman on his left.

“I'm a bit busy right now, Edward. I'm sure you can see that... Correct?”

“Oswald, please.” Ed walks closer to the three, and lifts his nose up as the girls wave at him with their thin fingers. They then place their hands on Oswald's chest. The man tenses at the touch, but smirks once more.

Ed takes a sharp breath. “Oswald— oh come on, you two, can you please take your hands off of him for a moment? I'm trying to have a conversation.” The females look at Oswald for confirmation. The small man nods once and they leave.

Ed is now sat next to the other man, slowly creeping closer every few seconds.

Oswald rubs his hand against his temples and purses his lips.
“God, what am I doing?” he whispers to himself.

“Oswald, what the hell was that?” Edward inquires, trying to appear patient.

“What? The... the women?” Oswald blinks twice and then tries to grin. He clears his throat. “Attractive, are they not? Much better than whatever I thought I wanted before!” he exclaims, almost too happily.

Ed grits his teeth. “Why are you...? Since when...?”

“I'm at my peak, Ed. Obviously. Now, what do you want?”

“I want you to tell me why you're suddenly being surrounded by random... women!”

Oswald laughs, but does not reply.
Disappointed at the man's lack of response, Edward decides to discuss his initial reason for coming.
“I need help.”


Oswald watched Ed leave through the lounge's door, sighing.
“I wonder how long I'll have to put up this ridiculous mask. As long as I banish... those feelings....”


Now outside, Edward shifts his jaw. “Oswald and women? Please.... I'll fracture this façade; I'll solve this riddle. I'll stop this charade.”

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