I wonder which of us is frozen.

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"Ivy, go somewhere else."

The girl struts off in a huff, leaving Oswald alone with Ed, his chryogenically frozen arms streched out towards Os.

He sighs. "Even if you somehow come back, I highly doubt we can even go back to the way things were before. This ice keeps you with me. I- I've won, right? I am superior!" Oswald smiles, but a tear makes its way down his cold cheek. He chuckles. "Guess not. You were happy with me gone, whereas I am now suffering inside. I sometimes wonder if you ever even thought about me while you believed me to be dead. I came back to a completely different Ed. No, not even Ed, but The Riddler. I still hate saying that name.... I really miss Ed Nygma. Am I talking to him now?"

Oswald hesitates to go on, as if expecting a reply. His eyes dance across the ice, picking up details- the bowler hat Edward stole from Oswald, the green suit, tilted tie... gaping mouth, outstretched arms, pleading eyes....

'I do this every day... But I can't take this. I'll never be able to.'

Oswald breaks into a heartfelt teary mess. "I'm so s-sorry, Ed! I want to h-hold you, and hear you, a- and...." His lips purse as he looks down. Oswald pushes his teeth together in attempt not to add more tear stains to his face. Not that it matters. Not that anything or anyone besides Edward Nygma matters. Why must it be this way? Why did Oswald have to kill Isabelle, and why did he lie about it? Ed's a smart guy, Oswald should've known he'd find out.

"I just wanted you to myself... Because I loved you... A- and I still do. But you have to stay here. It's the only way we'll have peace. And peace together. Yeah, together...." He can't hold it back. Droplets of salty liquid slide past his eyelashes, down to the bridge of his nose and jawline, one after another.

"Th- the fire... has gone out, wet sn- snow from above..." Oswald softly starts to sing the song that he and Ed once shared during simpler times; happier times. "I light another candle, dry the tears... from my face...."

Os takes a shakey breath and shifts his jaw. More tears threaten to break through, but he won't let them surface. Oswald shakes his head and walks towards Ed.

"I miss you," he whispers. Oswald kisses his gloved fingers and puts his hand to the ice.

"I, too, am frozen."                                                                       

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