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Edward runs through the halls out of breath, desperately searching for his best friend.

"Oswald?" he yells. "Oswald!"

Ed's heartbeat rapidly escalates, and nearly stops when he hears a faint, pleading voice. Ed can't quite make out the words, but he's almost sure that it's Oswald's voice. Edward slows his pace and turns right at the end of the row of lockers, only to be greeted by the cruel smile plastered on Jim Gordon's face. Jim is the most popular guy in the school, being captain of the Gotham High football team. An A-level student, as well (no grades higher than Ed's, of course). Unfortunately, he only uses his physical and mental strength to mock and harm those he sees below him. This definitely includes Oswald Cobblepot.

Oswald is laying on the ground with only his head leaning onto one of the lockers, his nose and mouth bleeding. Os has tear stains on his cheeks, visible only because of the streak of blood the liquid washed away.

"Ozzie," Edward breathes.

"What?" Jim asks with a grin. "You gonna do somethin' about it? He got what he deserved. Do you need a lesson, too, or can I walk away without hearing the both of you fags cry?"

Ed does nothing. He is motionless, eyes darting back and forth over Oswald's bloody body and Jim's menacing smirk. His lips purse, his fists clench, and he whispers, "You'll pay for what you've done."

"Excuse me, Nygma?" Jim says. "Did you actually say something for once? I didn't quite hear you- maybe I should knock some voice into you...." Jim nears Ed, who's now backing away, but just as Jim prepares to throw a punch, the bell rings: the last classes are now released, and the halls are becoming nothing but chaos. This is the time for Ed to take Os and get out of here.

He dashes to Oswald, pulls him up, and starts running as fast as he can while supporting his friend's weight, mostly on him. Oswald is fading in and out of consciousness, but manages to say the words "thank you, Ed."


"We're here," Ed says, sliding his apartment door open.

Oswald, now a bit steadier, looks around. "Where are we, exactly?"

Ed helps Oswald sit on the bed and responds, "This is my apartment. I can no longer live with my dad- after my mother died, I've had no one to help me, so this is me helping myself."

"Help you?" Oswald asks. "Meaning what? Ed, does your father b-"

"It doesn't matter what my father does, or rather, did. He can no longer hurt my mother or me."

Oswald goes white. "He... He's the one who gave you that black eye last year, n- not the bullies...."

"The past is the past, Os. Let's talk about what a certain bully did to you. What happened? Why is he always picking on you? Why is he so mean?"

"Hell if I know," Oswald replies lightly, although Ed senses a tinge of untruthfulness in his statement.

"Well," Edward says, "I'm gonna get some things to fix you up. I know we usually do this at the nurse's office or even at your home, but I have some things here that'll get the job done. Wouldn't want your mom to see you like this." He smiles, then walks over to the bathroom to get medical supplies.

While waiting, Os sits in thought. 'Why hadn't he told me about his abusive father? Why does he seem to care so much about me rather than himself? It's not as if he's attracted to me.... Am I to him? Am I a distraction to his own struggles, have I been one for these past two years? Why am I just now discovering his childhood?'

Questions rush through his head as if his mind itself has been hooked up to caffeine instead of blood.

"Oswald!" Ed snaps for the third time. "You with me ?"

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