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+ Ed's POV +

"Selina, I need to get in there," I tell her abruptly.

"Why should I help you get inside of the GCPD chess tournament? Why would you even want to go in? It seems like a bore."

"You're the only person that can get me in without having to get my hands dirty."

"Do your own damn work for once, forensic guy," She mocks. "I hardly even know you!"

I ignore her. "You've been here before, correct, Ms. Kyle? For a party of some sort? Of course, you got in without a valid invitation. See, here, I'm you, and this party won't start until I come. I have lots of money that came from the mayor-"

My words fall flat as I think about Oswald Cobblepot. Feelings rush through me like a wave crashing onto the shore. But I mostly feel... numb. I push these thoughts aside and look back down at Selina. We're standing on a sidewalk, moonlight reflecting off of Selina Kyle's goggles that sit on her head.

After a few seconds, she says, "The mayor... Oswald is okay with you doing this, right? Whatever you're doing? I don't plan on getting into some heavy crap with the most powerful dude in Gotham anytime soon."

The most powerful man in Gotham city, I think, is at the bottom of a river. Because of me. Memories suddenly flood my brain, thoughts of Oswald controlling my thoughts as if he could.

My apartment- I brought him there to nurse him back to health. He had been bleeding out in the woods, pleading for help. So I took care of the Penguin. We ended up becoming close. We sang together and slept in the same bed, until he got dragged to Arkham. I never visited him.

His mansion- Oswald invited me to live with him after he busted me out of Arkham (when I was imprisoned, he constantly visited me and gave me gifts). He made me his chief of staff, and we were always together. He saved my life from Butch at The Sirens's mayoral party, and made sure I was okay after we got home... I'm pretty sure we almost kissed that night... The next day, Oswald seemed nervous to tell me something- he invited me to dinner, and I... never showed up.

Was he going to confess his feeling to me that night? Am I that oblivious? Am I-

"NYGMA!" Selina yells. "Snap out of it- I'll just take that as a yes. I'll get you in, but I'm gonna need the money first. A.S.A.P."

"I- uh, I got the money here. Here, take it. And thanks, street trash girl."


Days ago, Selina Kyle told me that she could easily get me inside of the chess tournament. She did. The games haven't started yet, and the room is empty.

Chess is a mind game, which is why I enjoy it so much. Not only do I get to put my intelligence to good use, but I get to see other people struggle. Because nobody beats me. I've placed bombs under every chess table- they'll explode in a certain order in which I could leave more clues around the room... as to where Oswald has disappeared to.


I hold the designator in my hand, ready to ignite the bombs down below on the first floor. The officers playing seem to be enjoying their time- not for long. I rest my finger against the button-

I have a strong sense of someone glaring at me from behind. I slowly turn around- and nearly faint. It takes me a minute to choke up words.

"Os-Oswald?! What- how-?"

"I'm just a figment of your imagination, Edward. Here to make you see the truth."

The hallucination reaches a hand toward me.

"I love you- Loved you. And you killed me! How could you murder someone you love?"

"Oswald, I- I don't."

"Then why am I here?" Silence. I peer down at his clothes. They're wet- soaked. A few pieces of seaweed lay on his shoulder. His hair is messy and his eyes are staring.

"You. Love. Me. Edward. As much as you deny it, you feel so guilty about shooting me. And to think it's over a blonde idiot you knew for less than a week..." He laughs quietly- and disappears.

"No, Oswald, come back!" I exclaim under my breath.

+ this is part one of two, I'll update as soon as possible. sorry that the writing style is kinda ugly, I'm just tired, and..yeah ok byeee for now +

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