Invitation- Part Three

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(last chapter)


Oswald's palm makes it on top of my fingers... I'm startled by the warm touch. I look at our overlapped hands.

I slowly turn my wrist so that our fingers interlock. I can't tell what thoughts are passing through Oswald's brain, but frankly, at the moment- I don't care.

I find myself leaning over the edge of the table, releasing my grip on Oswald's hand to hold the back of his neck. I bend down, slightly pulling the smaller man towards me. My lips part and make their way on top of Oswald's.

The kiss is subtle and light. I soon realize that he's kissing back. I then notice a hand on the back of my head, ruffling my brown hair a bit. His other hand pulls around my back, pushing me closer to Oswald.

I feel his smile part our kiss. Oswald's hand goes back down beside him. I open my eyes and scoot back a little. My gaze darts across Oswald's face. I'm trying to figure out his response to all of this.

To my relief and pleasure, Oswald blushes and smirks downwards.

I'm still kind of leaned over beside the table, unsure of what to do or say next.


I'm unsure about what to say. Or do- actions speak louder than words. I'm going with plan B; it's way better than sitting here speechless and unsatisfied.

I see that Ed is still close, so I take advantage by pulling on his green tie and pulling him down once again.

This time, the kiss seems full of confidence. Ed's arm falls behind my left shoulder, and his other hand strokes my right cheek. I feel light and happy inside- like never before.

In order to breathe, we seperate. But we stay close, pretty much breathing on each other's faces. Edward's brown eyes hold dialated pupils, staring into mine once again.

"Ed," I whisper. "Although we haven't had as much interaction as I've wished... I... I find myself..."


"I love you," I say. "I am in love with you, Oswald." I can feel him inhale sharply, and I then see him grin widely. He looks down to find my hands, to grab both of them again.

"I love you too, Edward Nygma."

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