Heartbreaking Regrets Pt. 3

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*nightmare-ish chapter*

I fell asleep to the thoughts of my past actions.

I dreamt about Oswald and Isabella. She had manipulated me into thinking that Os was trying to kill me.


I found her opening a book with a hidden switchblade in it.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm proving my love to you, my dear Edward," She responded with a grin. Isabella's hair was suddenly dressed in red curls, her glasses glimmering in the dim lighting. In a blur, she was then standing right in front of me, knife in hand.

Still being blinded, I whispered, "Kristen... I mean, Isabella... You don't have to kill him. I can protect myself."

"You're so sweet, Mr. Nygma," she said as she stroked my face. "But you have so much... Stupid... in that big brain of yours, don't you? This weapon isn't for your precious Pengy."

I blinked once, and suddenly we were at the docks. The blade had somehow turned into a pistol, held in Isabella's hand, pointed straight at me. Pulling me close, she whispered eight striking words:

"You loved him, Ed. And you killed him."

She shot the gun, her words still ringing in my head.


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