Hearbreaking Regrets Pt. 4

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I woke up gasping for air, with fresh tears on my temples. Every single one of my underlying thoughts struck me at once.

I killed the man I love.

Once again I started to cry. With time, my sobs softened. I lifted the blankets off of my shoulders. I swung my legs over the couch and headed towards the kitchen.

I realized that mourning makes me hungry as hell, so I opened the fridge.

I tumbled backwards at the sight of what sat in the fridge.

A lavender cupcake stood on top of a silver plate with a note folded in front of it. "Ed," it read on the paper.

With shaking hands, I

picked up the dessert, not knowing what to think of it. Sadness flooded me.

"It can't be Oswald," I whispered to myself. I couldn't stop thinking about him. I scolded myself for feeling any kind of guilt- he killed Kri-....Isabella. Oswald killed Isabella.

But... Os did it for love. He's also dead.

I cautiously opened the note, knowing it couldn't be who I thought it was. Oswald always brought cupcakes on special occasions, and he knew I fancied lavender frosting.

My eyes danced over the words, and I found it hard to breathe.

Edward Nygma:

I hope you're not feeling guilt.

I hope you're not feeling happiness, either.

I just want you to know that I love you, and... I survived.

I hope you're not feeling hatred. I want to work things out. We've both been through a lot, Ed. I'm sorry for everything.

Consider this an invitation:

Come and find out that I'm really alive,

Meet me in our old home, 7:05.

I'm inviting you to dinner, if you'll let me,

And I will understand

If you try to kill me.



*I'm really considering turning this into a whole other fanfic chapter story, since there are so many parts. If I do, I'll leave this up without continuing, telling readers to check the actual fanfic story out*

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