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*i can't believe gotham is over :(

please enjoy 5x12 rewrite, it's steamy ;))
the build-up is long, sorry PFFT 
but nothing's really explicit except language (Ed's pov)*

Ten. Fucking. Years.
Ten years without seeing Oswald. To think I got so excited when I saw the letter.... But it isn't even from him? Would he have tried to bust me out?

Ugh. I get that I have a history of being a dashing super criminal and all, but do these people always have to be so damn rough? 
I don't want to go back to Arkham. I can't even talk to those imbeciles, let alone do anything else with them. They act like headless chickens and I refuse to be there for one more minute.

I'm shoved into an elevator. One last look at the decorated floor before the doors start shutting.

Suddenly, the man who was already inside the elevator punches the guard who dragged me in there. Oh, shit. Is this Jeremiah's doing? I put my arms up pleadingly.


I'm getting kidnapped. I am getting kidnapped and I'm gonna be tortured. They're gonna kill me after they torture me and chop me into li- Wait. This might be better than the fate of going back to Arkham Asylum.
Still, I fight as I get shoved into the vehicle. I'd much rather see Osw-

"Edward Nygma!" I hear that oh-so familiar voice behind me. I whip my head around immediately and smile. "It is very good to see you." His tone is friendly and welcoming, but mine comes out with an outline of yearning.

"Oswald," I breathe. "I thought you weren't behind this."

"I'm not. But," he replies, still smiling. "I thought you might need some help.... And what else are friends for?" We chuckle together, but there's that word again. 

That word Oswald has always been so fond of: Friend.
About ten years and six months ago, we saved Gotham together. During that time, I was going through some... emotions. Me longing for Oswald was something that I came to terms with then, and I've dwelled on it throughout my whole stay in Arkham. Over and over again I thought about how we'd come into contact again, what I would say and do. I don't want to resist- and I didn't even before I got imprisoned. 

I shudder at the memory of him calling us brothers.
Really, Os? I had thought. After all your proclamations of love some time ago, and after what we've been through more recently, you wanna stoop us down to siblings? I guess you really have moved on.

I decided not to act on my emotions, but it had taken me so long to come to terms with those feelings. It's unfair. Which is why I have to do something now, after all this time.

"You look well," Oswald says.

Staring him in the eyes with a grin, I reply, "You too."
I look him up and down. His body composition is different, his weight has shifted. Yet he doesn't look bad at all in my eyes. Maybe it's the lack of interaction I've been forced to experience, but he looks as dashing as ever.
Despite that, I decide to tease. "Little thicker in the middle." I chuckle at Oswald's shifting face of uncertainty. I missed these expressions. "Damn- it's good to see you, Oswald."

I can't even force the lustful tone out of my voice. A fucking decade apart from him... there really is no God. I laugh with my mouth wide open, soaking in all the joy just coming from being in this man's presence.

"Listen," I say, still smiling, "They uh, they wouldn't let me send letters to you. I mean, they had there reasons, but I've missed you." I put a hand on his leg. I can't even tell if he's noticed.

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