Chapter 13

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I went to sleep soon after I got off of the computer with Anna. I slept like the dead until about two in the afternoon, when Harry came in to wake me up. “Niall. Get your ass out of bed. You sleep too much.” I looked up at him, and noticed immediately he had just gotten out of bed.

“Coming from the one who just got out of bed.” I mumbled, putting my face back into my pillow.

“Yeah, whatever. Everyone is up now but you. We’re going to go out to eat in about an hour before we have to get back on the tour bus. Get a shower. You stink.” He said, smiling. I sat up, deciding that he was right, I needed to get out of bed. “That’s what I thought! Oh. Anna texted you, but I didn’t read it.” He said, throwing me my phone.

I hate you for sleeping when I’m forced to be at school, taking Chemistry quizzes. I didn’t fail, by the way.(:


I laughed, and texted her back. I stood up and walked into my hotel bathroom, getting ready.


The night came and went. I talked on the phone with Anna once we got on the tour bus, and I fell into an easy routine. Every night before I went to bed we’d talk on the phone. That Sunday we had another Skype date. It was my last call from the U.S. before we went to England for about a week of interviews, and then a little town in Germany to stay for the duration of our vacation. We were staying there so no one could find us, wanting to take full advantage of the vacation. 

The plane ride was long, and incredibly boring. When we finally got to Germany, the jet lag made us all pretty much just collapse. We slept for a while, finally waking to the sound of birds. I checked my phone, having several twitter messages, and a text from Anna.

Today was my last Monday of the school year! :D


It was her last week of school. I texted her back, and got up to get some food out of the fridge. We had rented a summer home for the duration of our vacation, and gotten it completely stocked with food ahead of time. We sort of ate a lot. We all had our own room, and there was a hot tub and pool. It was incredibly nice for the size of the town. After I ate I went into all the boys’ rooms, trying to find out what we were going to do.


I sat down, exhausted. The schedule I was keeping up to talk to Niall was incredible. I was up almost all night, almost every night. On occasion he let me go before one. I smiled. Our conversations never really made sense the next morning, but I always had fun. I was glad school was almost over though, I didn’t know how much less sleep I could have, but I was starting to really feel it.


The rest of the week was incredibly boring. I talked to a lot of friends about summer plans, most of which I knew would fall through anyways, and on Friday I bid that place good riddance. That Saturday I slept until four in the afternoon, waking on my own to read another book. I finished that and went to sleep relatively early. After church on Sunday I changed into sweatpants and a hoodie, texting Niall about our Skype date.

I don’t want to dress up…-.-


I was really feeling too tired, and Niall had told me earlier in the week he had something he wanted to ask me, but he wanted to watch my face when he said it. I knew this couldn’t be good. I was scarred it would be bad, so I didn’t want to start crying and have makeup all over the place.

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