RESIDENT EVIL: The Final Chapter

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First off, I have to admit — even though I've never seen the RE movies and know they have a mixed history of good and bad, I TOTALLY WANT TO SEE THE FINAL CHAPTER. I read the plot on Wikipedia just a little while ago, and that just makes me want to see it more.

Here I copied a dope poster the movie had where Alice was on a motorcycle and shooting at something off-picture. My main focus and inspiration point was the bike, and then the main challenge came from the shading the bike had and Alice's face.

I've gotten better in regards to drawing women, but when their faces are farther away from our angle and therefore smaller, IT MAKES ME LOSE MY MIND.
The first hard part was the eyebrows and eye expressions, which I managed to do rather fast. The main obstacle was her mouth, which on the poster is a mix of snarling/panting/whatever-you-do-with-your-mouth-when-chased-by-zombies.
I had screwed myself over for the first half of the time spent on it.
I had a zoomed-in version of the poster where I could see her face at a more detailed level. So there obviously I saw how the lips and mouth were moving.
Problem is, because I kept it that way for a while, I was trying to draw the entirety of how the mouth looked.
Can't describe the struggle too bad other than it was horrible. When I finally realized it, I completed the mouth in due time.

Then I moved on to the buildings behind and the zombies in the motorcycle's background to create depth and contrast to attract the viewer's eyes to Alice.

I really like how this came out!!! Definitely felt like an honor to draw a six-movie character and badbutt like Alice.

The Journey Has Ended. #FinalChapter #RememberRE #LongLiveAlice
(Excuse the fanboying)

See you next time!

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