Female Arkham Knight

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Happy Star Wars Day everyone!!

No, that holiday is actually May 4. I'm not kidding.

Well here is what would be known as a 'Genderbend' picture, which is taking one character of a certain gender and switching it over to the opposite. No I will not Genderbend a girl into a dude — cause that's just weird.

Sorry if you can't see well. Out your brightness up and it may come out better, but I 'enhanced' it on my IOS so the lines will also come out darker and more visible.

But I actually liked the fan theory where the Arkham Knight would've been a drone that was controlled by a female. Am I the only one who thinks that would've been kind of interesting?

As always, requests will be taken and done either in a millennia or a second!

Deuces, Arkham Inmates. ✌🏽️

Star Wars: TFA
Star Wars: AA (brownie points if you can guess what AA stands 4)
Court of Owls
League of Assassins
Jessica Jones (still looking for a proper picture to draw)

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