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So this is another completely digital piece. The hard part was duplicating and erasing a bunch to create multiple layers for her so I could work on proportions and have them be closer to the game that it was originally.

As you can see, I totally left out the inking. I did that on purpose, as to avoid wasting time and go straight to coloring. I like the style it came out with, so I have no problem with that.
I wanted to make her outfit of blue (as well as her blond hair) more saturated than it is in the actual game, so as to make it a little more interesting as a standalone piece.

The pose is based around what she does mid-round in MKX after she wins one, where she ejects bullet shells from her gun.

And the background was just throwing around tools from Procreate to give it a poster/painting-ish sort of feel.

Thanks for checking in – see ya next time!

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