Star Wars: Kylo VS Rey *spoiler alert*

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Drew this as I finally got to see that movie and that epic Starkiller Base fight scene. Poor Finn though. He got jacked up.

I just really didn't like them fighting a bigger/badder Death Star. It's like the Rebels/Resistance have made no progress in 20-30 years of fighting. That's kinda annoying.

This drawing reminded me of one thing though... I hate drawing #Lightsabers.

I can never tell if the handle is meant for one hand, or two. Because when they hold it with two hands, it looks longer, like a real life sword handle. But when they hold it with one hand, it seems only big enough for one hand to grip with touching the actual light sword.
It's so friggin annoying!!!

But anywho, this won't be the last of the Star Wars stuff I have planned. But keep shooting away those request! I have so many, I don't know what to do with myself! (Note sarcasm)

Deuces, my fellow Arkham Knights of Ren. Yes,I just had to say that. ✌🏽️

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