Chapter 4

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As I stepped into the dark room, I was surprised by its well-kept appearance.

From the outside, I’d assumed that the ‘gang headquarters’ or at least that’s where I assumed I was inside, would be in a rundown shack.

But this room, it was, nice.

There wasn’t like a chandelier hanging from the ceiling, but it was roomy and looked very comfortable. Nothing like the gang house I had previously imagined.

Randy shoved me forward, and I almost tripped on the plushy carpeting. I scowled at him and stopped walking, unsure of what to do next.

There was a guy sitting down when we came in. He stood up quickly when we came and gestured angrily at the men beside me.

“Where the hell have you been? Do you know how freaking late you are?” He walked over to where we were standing and glared at Sam.

“Just sit there for a second, Arianna,” said Sam as he gestured towards one of the room’s many expensive-looking chairs.

I stepped forward and sat tentatively on the soft seat, looking expectantly at the trio in front of me.

The newcomer sighed and turned over to me.

“Is that her?” When Sam nodded, the guy came over and bent down in front me.

“Huh, she’s a lot prettier than I expected.” Was that supposed to be a compliment? I didn’t know what to do, so I resorted to glaring at him.

The guy grinned. “She’s like a little angry kitten,” he laughed. He had dirty blond hair and a smile that made his whole face light up. I could have sworn I saw him around my school before; he looked a little older than me though.

He stood up, his smile fading, and looked over at Randy and Sam. “Well guys, I’m definitely not dealing with this. If he’s pissed off, than I don’t want to have to face the crap. One of you guys better go get him. I think he’s in the den.”

“Probably with one of those sluts,” grumbled Randy under his breath.

Sam drew his hands through his hair and sighed, then looked at Randy.

“Can you go get him? He’s probably pissed off, and I don’t deal with that well.”

Randy glared at Sam. “What makes you think I want to get all this shit thrown at me then? I think you should go; you didn’t have to chase this freak all over the place and get a damn encyclopedia and a can of pepper spray chucked at you.”

Sam laughed at the memory; I almost did too. The other guy raised his eyebrows at Randy. I was glad I hadn’t gone down so easily.

A quick glare from Randy shut Sam up. “Fine, let’s rock paper scissors this then. Two games out of three.”

Randy stared at Sam. “Seriously? I’m not freaking ‘rock paper scissoring’ you. We’re not in fucking first grade Sam. Come on, just man up and go.”

Sam scowled. “Why the hell don’t you just grow the balls and go yourself? Oh that’s right, I forgot. You never even had the right tools to begin with.”

The other guy laughed appreciatively, not even trying to stop the impending fight that was going to happen.

Randy started forward and reached his hands out to shove Sam. Sam backed up quickly and nearly tripped over the nearby couch.

“Alright, alright I’m sorry man. It was a joke-ow!” Sam rubbed the sore spot on his arm where Randy had just punched him. “Jeez, you’re so sensitive sometimes Randy.”

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